

【作者】 许晓夫

【导师】 张善燚; 罗军飞;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 诉讼法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国立法上没有规定污点证人制度,但诉讼实践中却屡有污点证人的运用,并对探明案件真实发挥着重要作用。归因我国目前尚未建立污点证人权利体系,污点证人往往在维护了社会正义的同时,却以自己的人身安全乃至生命为代价,甚至自己也难逃国家追诉的枷锁,导致污点证人的有效作用难以充分发挥出来。诸多域外国家和地区对均有污点证人诉讼权利的相关规定,我国因过分强调刑事诉讼控制犯罪功能,使得立法相对滞后,即使对污点证人的理论研究,也大都停留在对其豁免权的正当性研究上。国内有学者认为污点证人豁免制度就是污点证人制度,而对于污点证人的宏观诉讼权利体系鲜有着墨,从而使有关污点证人的权利研究相对匮乏。本文认为,赋予污点证人诉讼权利,是确立污点证人制度的前提与基础,而污点证人制度的确立,有助于更好查明犯罪事实真相,维护社会正义,实现司法资源合理配置。污点证人诉讼权利体系的提出,是我国法治建设的题中应有之义。全文共分四个部分。第一部分:污点证人概述。该部分主要对污点证人的概念和特点作出分析,以确定污点证人权利保护的对象。通过对已有观点的评析和域外司法实践,归纳出污点证人的基本涵义;并总结出污点证人的概念,是指曾经参与犯罪行为或者知晓犯罪行为但存在被追究刑事责任的情况、通过与检控机关合作、享有相应权利并承担作证义务的诉讼参与人。包括诉讼前介入的污点证人和诉讼中介入的污点证人。通过对污点证人涵义的剖析,本文认为,污点证人具有秘密性、身份的特殊性、稀缺性三大特点。第二部分:考察与评析:比较法视野下的污点证人权利。通过对相关国家和地区之考察,本文认为,英美法系中以美国的污点证人制度最为具有代表性,其权利体系也最为完善;于此之外,英国、加拿大及澳大利亚和我国香港特别行政区等国家和地区也规定了污点证人制度,并赋予了污点证人相应权利。第三部分:理论基础与价值选择:污点证人权利的正当性。该部分首先基于诉讼效益角度、诉讼目的角度和程序正义角度分析了赋予污点证人权利的诉讼价值。其次,污点证人权利体系的存在,还有其必要性。其必要性主要体现在能满足刑事诉讼的特别需要、贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策和合引导社会公众三个方面。而污点证人制度得以在世界范围内许多国家确立,是有其现实基础的。随着教育刑、目的刑理论的勃兴,起诉便宜主义也随之兴起,检察官享有一定自由裁量权,该自由裁量权的存在,为污点证人权利体系的构建提供了权利保证。有利被告原则的张扬为污点证人制度的产生提供了制度基础,因此我国立法上虽未规定污点证人制度,却已经出现了该制度的实践。第四部分:污点证人权利体系的构建。本文认为,污点证人权利体系的构建。首先应该确定污点证人权利保护体系的原则,即利益权衡原则、书面保护原则、区别保护原则和刑事豁免原则。根据上述原则,针对污点证人的特点,与一般证人相比,污点证人权利体系的内容中至少应有诉讼中的经济支持权、刑事豁免权和诉讼后的特别保护请求权三大实体权利,以及相应的知情权等程序性权利。此外,为保障污点证人的权利保护体系能发挥出应有作用,相应配套制度如证人保护制度、专门求偿制度、作证豁免制度和司法监督机制也须完善。

【Abstract】 There is no law system about suspect-turned-prosecution-witness in our country, but we use suspect-turned-prosecution-witness in many cases and it can help us to prove the fact, for if we lack the law system to protect the right of suspect-turned-prosecution-witness, even if they vindicate justice of society, it will be still at the cost of their safety and freedom, even their lives, and the law system of suspect-turned-prosecution-witness can’t work efficiently. At abroad, the protection of suspect-turned-prosecution-witness’ right is natural, however, we emphasize our attention on prosecuting crime, so that our legislation falls behind. In theory, the emphases are often on the justice of immunity, and our country still pays little attention to suspect-turned-prosecution-witness’ right and have researched shallowly on it. We believe that the construction of the system of suspect-turned- prosecution- witness’ right is the foundation of the law system about the law system of suspect-turned-prosecution-witness.The full thesis is devided into four parts.The first part is the introduction. This part deals with the concept and its characteristics, and definite who should be protected. Firstly, according to the comments of other people’s viewpoints, we conclude the contents which should be contained in the concept. Secondly, the suspect-turned-prosecution-witness discussed in this thesis are those who have been in the crime and those who know others committing crimes and have been in other lighter crimes, but cooperate with the government, and have the reciprocal rights and duty. This includes two kinds of people: those who join before the prosecution and during the prosecution. We believe that suspect-turned-prosecution-witness is secretive, special in their identification and scarcity.The second part mainly introduces the practice and comments:The practice to suspect-turned-prosecution-witness abroad.Some countries make specific provisions about the immunity, such as the United States.Some countries and regions make specific rules of operation about the suspect-turned-prosecution-witness,such as England,Australia.The third part mainly introduces the foundation of the theory and the choice of the value: the justice of suspect-turned-prosecution-witness’ right.This part analyses the prosecutive value which is given to suspect -turned-prosecution-witness’right from the perspective efficiency, aims, justice of procedure and so on.Besides, it is necessary for the suspect -turned-prosecution-witness to exist.The necessity is mainly embodied in the special need of criminal action implementation and the lenience and rigidity in the policy of crime. Furthermore,there is social foundation for this worldwide law system.The prosecutor’s judicial discretion has ensured a right system for suspect-turned-prosecution-witness. Defendente doctrine is the basis of suspect-turned-prosecution-witness system,so it has been put into practice in our country.The fourth part is the construction of the suspect-turned-prosecution-witness’right law system.Firstly,we should definite the rules in the protective system of suspect-turned-prosecution-witness.These rules include the rules of balance in benefits,of written protection,of separate protection and of crime immunity.The contents in suspect-turned-prosecution-witness’right include the right to support economy,to immune crime and to ask for special protection after prosecution.The relative laws, such as the law to protect witness,the law to ask for professional amendment,the immunity of witness and prosecutive supervise system should also be improved.

【关键词】 污点证人权利原则价值
【Key words】 suspect-turned-prosecution-witnessrightvalueprinciple
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225