

Meta-functional Analysis of Dangling Man

【作者】 谌艳

【导师】 吴玲英;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 索尔·贝娄,1976年诺贝尔文学奖获得者及三次国家图书奖获得者,被誉为美国当代文学经典作家之一。贝娄的第一部长篇小说《晃来晃去的人》被誉为他进入文学殿堂的敲门砖。在这部小说中,贝娄运用简单而犀利的语言并以日记体的形式成功塑造了一个孤独、异化、晃来晃去的主人公形象。系统功能语法认为语言是一个语义系统网络,并通过概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能提供意义潜势。语言所具备的这三大纯理功能构成了语义层的三大要素,它们所表达的意义是相辅相成的,是一个整体意义的三个有机部分。任何一个语篇都是通过表达语言的三大语义功能将语义系统现实化来表达意义的。由此纯理功能通常成为话语分析中阐释文本意义的重要理论基础。以此系统功能语法中的纯理功能为理论指导,本论文通过对《晃来晃去的人》的语义结构进行分析,揭示人物语言是如何表达意义和思想的。本论文在纯理功能理论的引导下分三章对《晃来晃去的人》进行话语分析,挖掘小说语言赋予人物形象的魅力。第一章从概念功能方面进行分析。语言的概念功能反映客观世界和主观世界中所发生的事、所牵涉的人或物以及与之相关的时间、地点等环境因素,它是由及物性系统和语态系统来体现的。本章通过对小说选段进行动态及物性分析,了解主人公的行动和心理特征,以及与之相关的环境因素。语态交代某一过程首先与哪个参与者建立联系,通过对小说的语态进行分析揭示主人公的生活状态;第二章集中于人际功能的分析。人际功能表达讲话者在语言活动中的角色、态度等,这相当于交际中语言的社会功能。语气、情态和极性系统体现语言的人际功能,本章从语气、情态和极性系统角度分别阐明人物语言在人际功能方面对人物性格刻画起到的重要作用;第三章从语篇功能角度进行分析。语篇功能主要反映在具体语境中语义信息的组合方式,它是由结构性的主位结构和信息结构以及非结构性的衔接系统来体现。基于本论文讨论的主要是小说语义结构,本章集中分析小说的主位结构特征。主位结构存在于语篇组织的各个层次上,小句层的主述位结构和语篇层上的主位推进。本章通过对小说的篇章组织结构进行分析发现作者在谋篇布局上与人物形象塑造保持一致,特有的主位选择和主位推进在形式和结构上表现出的松散和无序与小说作者所刻画的主人公形象不谋而合。从系统功能语言学的角度来解读和欣赏文学作品是本文写作的一种尝试。本论文通过对小说语言进行分析来了解作者的写作意图以及语篇所传递的主题意义和深刻内涵,同时也进一步证明系统功能语言学的分析为诠释文学作品提供了另一个崭新视角,具有很强的实用性和可操作性。

【Abstract】 Saul Bellow, the winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Literature and the recipient of three National Book Awards, is considered one of the classic writers in American contemporary literature. Bellow’s first novel Dangling Man labels the successful beginning of his entry into the circle of literature. In this novel, Bellow successfully depicts an idle, alienated, dangling protagonist in the form of diary with sharp and cutting language.Systemic Functional Grammar holds that language is a network of semantic systems, which provides meaning potential via ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function. These three metafunctions of language comprise the three parts of language at the semantic level, for the meaning expressed is an indiscerptible integrity. Any text or discourse actualizes semantic systems by means of delivering the three semantic functions of language to express meaning. Therefore, Metafunction is generally the important theoretical basis for discourse analysis to explore the deep meaning of a text. Under the theoretical guide of Metafunction in Systemic Functional Grammar, this thesis attempts to analyze the semantic structure of the novel’s language, disclosing how the protagonist’s language expresses meaning and thought. The thesis is laid out in three chapters to undertake discourse analysis within the framework of Metafunction to explore the significance of language endowed with the protagonist Joseph. Chapter 1 takes an analysis from ideational aspect. The ideational function of language is to represent the matters that occur in the objective and subjective world, the people and things involved, and environmental factors concerned, such as time and place. It is reflected by transitivity system and voice system. This chapter is to explore characteristics of the protagonist’s action, psychology, and the environmental factors around him by means of a dynamic transitivity analysis of the selected diary. Voice explains that a given process sets relation with which participant firstly, and the analysis of voice system of the novel discloses the protagonist’s living state. Chapter 2 concentrates on the interpersonal functional analysis. Interpersonal function reveals the role and attitude of speaker in language activities. It is equal to the social function in society. Mood, modality and polarity represent interpersonal function of language. This chapter illuminates the vital role of character language in characterization from interpersonal aspect by means of respective analysis of mood, modality and polarity. Chapter 3 probes into the analysis of textual function. Textual function is mainly represented on the combining means of semantic information in a given context. It is composed of the structural systems, thematic structure and information structure, and the non-structural, cohesion system. As the aim of this thesis is to study the semantic structure of the novel, this chapter only emphasizes thematic structure, which is represented on theme-rheme structure on the level of clause and thematic progression on text. By means of the analysis of thematic structure of the novel, it is expounded that the structure of the novel is consistent with the characterization, and that the peculiar choice of themes and thematic progression of the novel in form and structure are quite appropriate for the image of the character that Bellow intends to depict.This thesis attempts to interpret and appreciate literary works from the perspective of Meta-functional Grammar. The analysis of novel language is to explore the writer’s writing intention, the motif as well as the profound connotation transferred by text. Meanwhile, this thesis ulteriorly proves that Meta-functional Grammar provides a brand-new perspective for interpreting literary works, which is of strong practicability and maneuverability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】245