

Study on the Management Mechanism of Gansu Electric Power Attemper System

【作者】 彭生江

【导师】 吴妤;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国电力工业从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨,要解决电力工业所面临的问题,根本出路在于继续深化电力体制改革,顺应生产力发展的需要,调整生产关系,按照市场规则配置电力资源。电力调度是电网运行的组织、指挥、指导和协调部门,在保证电网安全和电力供应方面,电力调度是安全生产和资源调配的指挥中心,在为社会公众服务形象方面,电力调度是展现供电企业形象和管理水平的重要窗口。随着电力体制改革的进一步深入,国家电网公司的要求也进一步提高。在实际工作中,甘肃电力调度对电力供给侧和用电需求侧的调度管理运行机制上不完善已造成被动,各种显现的和潜在的风险不仅对电网安全稳定运行造成威胁,同时阻碍调度部门电力调度和交易职能的正常发挥,进而对甘肃省电力公司的经济效益造成了直接的影响。本文根据电力体制改革对建立和完善有效的甘肃电力调度管理机制的要求,就如何加强和改进调度工作,使电力调度在资源优化配置和电力市场建设导向方面的作用充分发挥进行论述,对电力体制改革在调度管理机制方面积累经验具有重要的现实意义。在对甘肃电力调度管理机制中的组织机构、管理流程、运行机制以及面临的形势和任务进行调查的基础上,运用SWOT分析法对甘肃电力调度进行深入分析,并提出了应建立的战略措施,继而对甘肃省电力调度管理机制从组织优化、流程优化、运行机制、安全管理机制、应急管理机制、风险管理机制等方面入手提出了一套完善和改进的方案,同时对调度管理机制的支持系统进行了规划和建议。

【Abstract】 As our nation’s electric power industry shifted from plan economy to market economy, the key to solving the problems confronting the electric power industry is to further reform the mechanism of the electric power industry, meet the demands of productivity development, adjust the productive relationship and allot the resources according to the market needs.Electric power attemper system is the organizing, administrative, supervisory and coordinating center for the functioning of the grid. It is an administrative center for the secure production and distribution of resources as well a window displaying the industry image and management level of the electric power enterprises.Along with the further reform of the mechanism of the electric power industry, new demands have been put forward by the State Grid Corporation. Gansu Electric Power Corporation’s economic performance has been hindered by the deficiencies with the attemper system, which not only threaten the security production of the grid, but also prevent the proper functioning of the power attemper and transaction.In the request of Power Restructuring to establish and fulfill the efficient management mechanism in the power attemper system, this thesis mainly analyzed how to develop the key role of the electric power attemper system in optimizing resource distribution and establish electric power market in order to accumulate the experience for Power Restructuring. This paper discussed the tasks the Gansu electric power attemper management mechanism faced, investigated and risked the management mechanism of Gansu grid and suggested a feasible plan for the improvement of the Gansu electric power attemper management mechanism and advised the supportive system of the attemper management system as well.

【关键词】 电力调度管理机制
【Key words】 Electric PowerAttemperSystemManagementMechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】289