

Reproduction of the Black Redstart P.O. Rufiventris in the Southeastern Qingzang (Qinghai-Tibetan) Plateau

【作者】 穆红燕

【导师】 刘迺发;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 生物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在青藏高原东南缘,海拔高度3470m的尕海-则岔国家级自然保护区尕海保护站,研究了赭红尾鸲普通亚种(Phoenicurus ochruros rufiventris)的繁殖。研究目的在于对赭红尾鸲繁殖期的行为,繁殖参数进行量化,找出影响其繁殖栖息地选择的主要因子,以及影响其繁殖成功率的主要因子;同时检验高海拔鸟类的雏鸟发育是否更快和产小窝大卵,有更高的离巢率。赭红尾鸲营巢洞中,平均洞口宽9.62±3.85cm,洞口高8.28±3.15cm,洞口上沿距崖顶沿52.39±38.74cm,洞口下沿距地面107.02±81.03,巢距洞口31.74±24.87cm。巢为浅碗状,巢可分为两层,外层由干草,细枝等植物性材料构成,内层垫以厚厚的羊毛、牛毛、羽毛、头发等。平均巢内径6.94±0.67 cm,巢外径12.5±2.37,巢深为3.46±0.48 cm,巢高为5.9±1.39 cm,平均重53.4±13.05g。卵淡青蓝色或是淡青色,平均窝卵数4.8枚,卵的大小23.33mm×14.95mm,平均窝卵重为12.05±2.13 g。同低海拔的相近种比较产小窝大卵。孵卵由雌鸟承担,孵卵期13-14d,孵化率64.5%。雏鸟留巢期16d-19d,亲鸟共同喂食,暖雏期(6日龄前)雄鸟喂食频率大于雌鸟,后期(7日龄后)雌鸟大于雄鸟,巢成功率81.3%,雏鸟离巢率83.33%。雌鸟有第二窝繁殖现象。高海拔红尾鸲产小窝大卵和加强双亲抚育,使高海拔红尾鸲有较高的雏鸟离巢率,给低生殖力以补偿。高海拔红尾鸲低温下增加双亲在对雏鸟的抚育并没有使雏鸟发育加快,反而较低海拔近缘种的幼鸟发育缓慢。因此,延长留巢期不只是Badyaev和Ghalambor(2001)所认为增加雏鸟的质量,而是缺氧和低温协同作用的自然选择结果。

【Abstract】 The reproduction of the black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros rufiventris was investigated in the Southeastern Qingzang(Tibetan)Plateau,at an altitude of 3470m.This paper’ s aim is to quantify the reproductive parameters and to identify the main factors which impact the birds’ breeding habitat selection and affect their reproductive success rate;and examine whether the young would grow faster and have a smaller clutch of larger eggs and higher fledgling rate when living at higher altitude.The nests of Black Redstart were built in holes,everage hole width was 9.62±3.85cm,everage hole height was 8.28±3.15cm,hole to uppside length was 52.39±38.74cm,hole to lowside length was 107.02±81.03,nest to hole distance was 31.74±24.87cm.The nest was bowl shape and built with dry grass,thin branches and so on inside,outside was hair and feather and so on.The nest inside diameter was 6.94±0.67cm,nest outside diameter was 12.5±2.37,nest depth was 3.46±0.48 cm,nest heigth was 5.9±1.39 cm,nest weight was 53.4±13.05g.The egg was weak green.The average clutch size was 4.8 and egg size averaged 23.33 mm×14.95 mm The egg weight was 12.05g.Compared with closely related species at low elevation,the Black Redstart had smaller clutch of larger eggs.Only the females incubated their eggs and the incubation period lasted 13-14 days.The incubation rate was 64.5%.Both the female and the male fed their nestlings.The nest success rate was 81.3%.Nestling period lasted 16-19 days and the fledgling rate was 83.33%.Here we found female laid two broods.The redstarts at higher altitude had smaller clutch of larger eggs and provided greater parental care to their offspring,so that the young had greater fledgling rate.It was a compensation for reduced fecundity.In low temperature condition,greater parental care hadn’t made the offspring grow faster than those of closely related species in low altitude. We concluded that longer nestling period was not only the need for increasing the young’ s quality,but also a result of natural selection due to action of hypoxia and low temperature

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【下载频次】125