

Tentative Analyses of Administration and Procedure of Agricultural Judicial Certification

【作者】 范少罡

【导师】 刘艺工;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农业司法鉴定做为司法鉴定的一类向来被人们忽视,对它的研究几乎是一片空白。理论的滞后必然导致现实的随意和盲目。在司法实践中,由于农业司法鉴定的法律体系尚未形成,又缺乏统一的农业司法鉴定技术标准、技术规范,再加上农业司法鉴定机构的管理不到位,导致各种冤假错案层出不穷,农民的合法权益得不到应有的保护。在农业司法鉴定程序中:一、在鉴定受理方面,鉴定主体不合法,超范围受理鉴定等问题突出。二、在鉴定的过程中,鉴定的方法、步骤、参照的标准、鉴定的时限等无统一规定和规范,随意性大。三、在鉴定的管辖方面,多头鉴定,重复鉴定现象普遍。笔者曾在新疆一基层农业技术部门从事了十年的农业司法鉴定工作,亲自主持了100多起农业司法鉴定,有感于农业司法鉴定的混乱,参照2005年2月28日通过的《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》,2005年9月30日公布施行的《司法鉴定机构登记管理办法》、《司法鉴定人登记管理办法》,结合自己亲身经历的案例,分析了当今农业司法鉴定管理及程序制度的缺陷,并从以下几个方面提出了自己的完善建议和初步设想:一、农业司法鉴定的管辖。二、农业司法鉴定的委托和受理。三、农业司法鉴定的法律援助制度。四、农业司法鉴定的实施。它包括:1、农业司法鉴定的方案:2、检材的采取和保存;3、农业司法鉴定的技术标准;4、农业司法鉴定的纪录和复核;5、农业司法鉴定的质量控制;6、农业司法鉴定的时限;7、农业司法的补充鉴定、重新鉴定;8、设立农业司法鉴定调解制度;9、建立农业司法鉴定宣誓制度;10、农业司法鉴定的中止、终结。五、农业司法鉴定文书的出具。六、农业司法鉴定资料的归档。七、农业司法鉴定人的出庭作证。八、建立农业司法鉴定辅助人制度。建立完善适合我国国情的农业司法鉴定体系有许多问题有待解决,进一步加强对它的研究和论证是学者和有关专家义不容辞的责任,笔者呼吁有关部门给予农业司法鉴定体系建设应有的重视,加大资金投入,群策群力,努力遏止坑农害农事件的发生,使八亿农民这一弱势群体的合法权益得到应有的保障。

【Abstract】 Agricultural Judicial Certification being a part of Judicial Certification always be ignored and seldom researched by people. The lag in theory leads to blind in practice. In judicial practice, because lack of legal system of Agricultural Judicial Certification and common standard of Agricultural Judicial Certification, with lack of administration of Agricultural Judicial Certification, all kinds of wrong case always occur and peasant’ Interest can not be proper securitized. In the procedure of Agricultural Judicial Certification : I In the acceptation of Agricultural Judicial Certification, the problems of illegal subject of Agricultural Judicial Certification andillegal scope of Agricultural Judicial Certification are severe II In the procedure ofAgricultural Judicial Certification, because no common certification standard and limitation standard of Agricultural Judicial Certification, the expert witness is blind .III on the jurisdiction of Agricultural Judicial Certification, the repetition of Agricultural Judicial Certification is common. I have been an expert witness of Agricultural Judicial Certification in a county of Xin Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region for ten years and have completed 100 cases of Agricultural Judicial Certification by myself. Being not content with the confusion of Agricultural Judicial Certification, in accordance with The Decision of the Administration of Judicial Certification by Standing Committee of National People’ Congress which adopted on February 28, 2005 and The Administration Way of Registration of Judicial Certification and The Administration Way of Registration of Expert Witness which adopted on September 30, 2005. Connected with the cases which I have been done, I analyze the defect of administration and procedure of Agricultural Judicial Certification and propose several preliminary plans: I. the jurisdiction of Agricultural Judicial Certification. II. Appointing and acception of Agricultural Judicial Certification. III. Judicial assistance system of Agricultural Judicial Certification IV the implementation of Agricultural Judicial Certification : 1. The plan of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 2. The selection and preservation of experimental material. 3. The technical standard of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 4. Record and check of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 5. Quality inspection of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 6. The limitation time of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 7. The complement and repetition of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 8. Constructing mediation system of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 9. Constructing swear system of Agricultural Judicial Certification. 10. The pause and termination of Agricultural Judicial Certification. V. The presentation of paper of Agricultural Judicial Certification. VI. Filing material of Agricultural Judicial Certification. VII. The presentation of the expert witness to the court. VIII. Constructing helper system of Agricultural Judicial Certification.Constructing and improving a system of Agricultural Judicial Certification which is suited to Chinese situation has a lot of problems to solve and a further effort should be effect on research of Agricultural Judicial Certification. I call on the connecting departments should pay more attention to the constructing system of Agricultural Judicial Certification and strengthen investment of constructing system of Agricultural Judicial Certification. With the efforts of all society, we should control the wrong behavior to the peasant and guarantee the legal interest of the 800,000,000 peasant which are weak in the society.

【关键词】 农业司法鉴定程序设想
【Key words】 AgricultureJudicial CertificationProcedurePlan
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D918.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】47