

Research about Ecological Compensation Mechanism of Shiyang River Basin

【作者】 悦珂珂

【导师】 刘志坚;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生态补偿是近几十年来国内外兴起的进行生态环境保护与建设的重要手段,是对因保护环境而丧失发展机会的区域内居民进行补偿,对环境破坏者进行惩罚,同时对环境受益者征收一定的费用,从而促进人们的生态保护意识,提高生态环境保护水平。生态补偿机制是在生态补偿过程中形成的一整套有机联系的生态、经济、法律综合体。石羊河流域曾经是古丝绸之路的繁华之地,也是甘肃省重要的商品粮基地,由于近年来流域内生态环境的恶化,使石羊河流域倍受关注,早在二00一年七月三十日,温家宝总理就在一次批示中指出“决不能让民勤成为第二个罗布泊”。本文是作者在参与甘肃省水利厅和兰州大学法学院共同承担的“石羊河水资源保护与利用法律问题研究”课题过程中,通过对石羊河流域的实地调查,以及对石羊河流域生态保护的相关政府文件资料的研究,并且借鉴了国内外成熟的生态补偿经验而完成。本文从法律的角度出发,侧重于用法律的方法来解决石羊河流域生态补偿机制建设中存在的问题。本文首先从理论角度对生态补偿及生态补偿机制的概念、目的和原则做了粗浅的探讨,然后对石羊河流域的基本情况和面临的生态困境以及进行石羊河流域生态补偿机制建设的必要性进行了阐述,接着论述了石羊河流域生态补偿机制建设存在的主要问题,最后针对这些问题,提出了石羊河流域生态补偿机制建设的建议,即石羊河流域生态补偿机制构想。该构想由相互联系、互为补充的前提机制、基础机制和特别机制组成,其中前提机制包括提高流域内生态补偿意识和加快生态补偿立法进程;基础机制由政策、管理、资金、市场、法律五个部分组成;特别机制则是具有石羊河流域特色的流域区际补偿制度和生态特区制度。

【Abstract】 Ecological compensation is an important way of protecting the environment at home and abroad in recent decades. Ecological compensation provides compensation for the residents who lose chance of development because of environmental protection, punishes these people who damage environment, and charges these people who gain interests from environment, in order to promote people’s awareness of ecological protection, and improve the level of protection of the ecological environment. Ecological compensation mechanism is a complex system including ecological, economic and legal, formatting in the process of ecological compensation.Shiyang River Basin was once prosperity because of the ancient Silk Road, and is the important grain production bases in Gansu province. As the deterioration of the ecological environment in recent years, the Shiyang River Basin has been attracted extra attention. Especially Premier Wen Jiabao wrote that "Minqin must not be allowed to become the second Lop Nur" on July 31, 2001. When the author participated in the topic of the research about legal issues of water resource protection and utilization in Shiyang River shared by Water Department of Gansu Province and Lanzhou University Law School, this paper was based on the investigation of the Shiyang River Basin, the government documents about ecological protection of the Shiyang River Basin, and the mature experience in ecological compensation at home and abroad.This paper was based on a legal view, and focused on legal ways to tackle the problems in the ecological compensation mechanism of Shiyang River Basin. This paper began with a theoretical perspective on the ecological compensation and the ecological compensation mechanism including the concept, purpose and principles. Then this paper introduced the Shiyang River Basin, the ecological plight faced by the Shiyang River Basin and the necessity to construct of ecological compensation mechanism. And then this paper discussed the major issues about ecological compensation mechanism in Shiyang River Basin. In final this paper made suggestions about Shiyang River Basin ecological compensation mechanism, which is the Shiyang River Basin ecological compensation mechanism concept. This concept was composed by the premise mechanisms, the basic mechanisms, and the special mechanisms, which were Interrelated and complementary. The premise mechanism include to enhance ecological compensation awareness and to speed up the ecological compensation legislation. The basic mechanisms include policy, management, finance, marketing, law. The special mechanisms are basin area compensation system and the system of special area for ecology.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】623