

Pharmacokinetics Parameter of Nickel and Effects of Cadmium on Residual Medicine of Nickel in Rats

【作者】 李湛

【导师】 吴王锁;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 化学工程与工艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文用同位素示踪法研究了可溶解性氯化镍在大白鼠体内的吸收、残留及排泄,实验显示:血药时间浓度曲线符合二房室开放模型,吸收速率常数Ka为6.18/h,分布相半衰期T(1/2(a)为0.79h,消除相半衰期T(1/2(β)为40.68h,清除速率常数CL为0.42mL·kg-1·h-1,达峰时间T(peak)为0.53h,达峰浓度C(max)为24987.75cpm/mL,表观容积分布V(d)为0.016L/Kg;镍吸收以后,排泄较快,24h粪尿排出给药量的83.26%,其中经过尿液排出54.86%,经过粪便排出28.41%。同位素示踪法研究可溶性氯化镍不同时间在大鼠体内的分布残留,实验显示:在连续灌胃63Ni-NiCl2溶液15d以后,在所取的22种组织中毛发、下丘脑、脑垂体、小肠、结肠、胰腺等组织有较强的药物残留,心脏、肝脏、肾脏没有发现特异残留。同位素示踪法研究镉对镍在单性别雄鼠体内组织残留,以便对镍镉联合制毒机理研究提供一些参考。实验结果显示:当雄性大鼠长期单纯的吸收镍时,除了对动物心血管组织没有影响之外,对其余组织的影响均较严重;当雄性大鼠长期接触低剂量的镍镉混合物时候,对机体的破环主要以镉中毒为主,镍只对很少组织有影响;当接触高剂量的镍镉混合物时,镍和镉均对肌体有影响。

【Abstract】 The absorption distribution and excretion of 63Ni-NiCl2 in Rat were studied by using Liquid scintillation counting method,It was observed that the concentration-time curves in blood fitted the two dicompart-ment model of pharmacokinetics,Ka=6.18h,T1/2(α)=0.79h,T1/2(β)=40.68h,CL=0.42mL/(kg·h), T(peak)=0.53h,C(max)=14.99MBq/L,V(d)=0.016L/Kg.63Ni-NiCl2 was existed in all 12 tissues tested;at 0.25h,radioactivity in intestine were the highest,and that in stomach and fattiness were higher;at 3h,liver,stomach and intestine were higher; the germen was the least;The liver and lung was the higher at 24h.In 24h 83.26%of radioactivity of oral administration was eliminated by urine and feces,54.86%by urine,28.41%by feces.After rats were treated by 63Ni-NiCl2 for 15days,in 22 tissues tested,the hair,hypothalamus,hypothesis,pancreas,small and large intestines were higher,and the residual medicine of 63Ni-NiCl2 wasn’t discovered in liver,kidney and heart.Effects of CdCl2 on tissue residual medicine of 63Ni-NiCl2 in Rats has been studied by isotope tracer,the experiment showed that 63Ni-NiCl2 has been found in 19 tissues tested in whole 22 tissues after infusing in stomach for 8d and lacking of food and water for 72h with 0mg/kg·bwCdCl2+8.76MBq/kg·bw63Ni-NiCl2;After the same method with 0.5mg/kg·bwCdCl2+8.76MBq/kg·bw63Ni-NiCl2,the result showed that the 7 tissues of all 21 tissues had some counts.After the above method with 1mg/kg·bwCdCl2+8.76MBq/kg·bw63Ni-NiCl2,the result showed that only 2 tissues had counts,others weren’t found.And after infusing in stomach for 8d and lacking of food and water for 72h with 10mg/kg·bwCdCl2+8.76MBq/kg·bw63Ni-NiCl2,the count has been tested in 7 tissues,bone,eyeball,hair and so on.after infusing in stomach with 10mg/kg·bwCdCl2+8.76MBq/kg·bw63Ni-NiCl2,11 tissues tested had counts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】R96
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】99