

The Studying on the Issue of "Amicus Curiae" in WTO Dispute Settlement System

【作者】 丁连连

【导师】 吴双全;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 乌拉圭回合谈判的重要成果之一就是缔结了DSU(Dispute SettlementUnderstanding)及设立DSB(The Dispute Settlement Body),为世界贸易组织建立了统一的争端解决机制,克服了GATT很多的固有缺陷,使世界贸易的推动力由政治导向转向规则导向,争端解决机制也被人誉为“WTO皇冠上的明珠”。但是,随着多边贸易不断向前发展,WTO争端解决机制也面临着越来越多的问题,“法院之友”问题就是其中之一。“法院之友”起源于古罗马法,后来被英国的审判实践所应用,并在美国的司法实践中得到长足地发展。“法院之友”以其自身所具有的价值被越来越多的人了解、接受,并在多个国际组织中拥有一席之地。但是,由于《WTO协议》及其附件中没有关于“法院之友”问题的规定,当这一问题在WTO争端解决的过程中出现时,DSB的实践就受到越来越多成员方的关注和争论以及学者的讨论。本文以历史考察的方法,考察了“法院之友”制度的产生及发展,介绍了不同国际司法机构对这一问题的处理方式,以此试图勾画出“法院之友”的身像;以“法院之友”参与WTO争端解决的典型案例为基础,用实证的方法梳理DSB专家组和上诉机构对“法院之友”问题的回应,分析了“法院之友”问题之所以在WTO中存在的制度空间和上诉机构的司法能动主义倾向,以及“法院之友”问题背后的南北冲突、贸易价值与非贸易价值冲突这些更深层次原因。在对“法院之友”问题产生的原因进行分析的基础之上,本文考察了专家组、上诉机构的运作现状以及WTO各成员方目前对这一问题的观点,认为专家组及上诉机构可以将附加于当事方材料的“法院之友意见”视为当事方陈述的一部分予以承认,但应奉行“司法克制主义”,拒绝“法院之友”主动向DSB提交的“法院之友意见”,将此问题交由WTO各成员方在以后的回合谈判中解决。在本文的最后,笔者根据我国作为一个发展中国家的现实,以实用主义的态度提出了我国在应对这一问题时应采取的立场以及应对策略。

【Abstract】 One of the most important achievements of The Uruguay Round Negotiation is the establishment of DSU (Dispute Settlement Understanding), DSB (The Dispute Settlement Body) and the uniform dispute settlement system for WTO, which overcomes many intrinsic drawbacks and transforms the impetus of world trade from the political guidance to the regulatory one. Therefore, the dispute settlement system is named "The Pearl on The Crown of WTO".Along with the constant development of the multilateral trade, the dispute settlement system of WTO has been encountering more and more problems. The issue of "Amicus Curiae" is one of them. Deriving from the ancient Rome laws, the term of "Amicus Curiae" is eventually adopted in the jurisdictional practice of UK and has been drastically developed through the legal practice of America. Currently, "Amicus Curiae" has been increasingly understood and accepted by more and more people due to its inherent values and has been recognized by many international organizations. However, no provision involving "Amicus Curiae" has been indicated in any WTO agreement or any of its attachments. When it appears in the WTO dispute resolution process, the practice of DSB will obtain more and more concerns, arguments and discussions of scholars.Based on the method of historical study, this thesis focuses on outlining the structure of "Amicus Curiae" by reviewing its formation and development and introduces the methods adopted by different international organizations on the settlement of the issue; based on the typical WTO cases involving "Amicus Curiae" , the author has checked the attitude of the Appellate Body and the Panel toward "Amicus Curiae" by empirical methods and has analyzed the reason why there is any systematical space related to the issue of "Amicus Curiae" in WTO as well as the judicial activism tendencies of the Appellate Body and the Panel, which is followed by the deeper reasons behind the issue of "Amicus Curiae" such as the conflict between the North and the South, the one between the trade and non-trade values. Based on analysis on the origination of the issue of "Amicus Curiae", considering the status quo of the Appellate Body and the Panel and the opinions of WTO members, this paper holds that the Appellate Body and the Panel may recognize the opinion in respect to "Amicus Curiae ", which is attached to the materials given by the parties involved in the relevant disputes, as a part of the materials; provided that the " doctrine of judicial restraint" shall be employed, and the opinion only being based on "Amicus Curiae " and delivered to DBS shall be objected, the relevant problems shall be resolved by relevant WTO members in the subsequent rounds of negotiations. At the end of this paper, based on the reality that China is still a developing country and in a pragmatism attitude, the author proposes the strategy which may be adopted by our country when encountering the problem related to "Amicus Curiae".

【关键词】 WTODSU法院之友司法能动主义
【Key words】 WTODSUAmicus CuriaeJudicial Activism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【下载频次】156