

Study on the Village Renovation in the Process of the New Countryside Construction

【作者】 陈垚

【导师】 陈怀录;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 城市与区域规划, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 以“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”为主要内容的社会主义新农村建设是我国全面解决“三农”问题的重大战略决策,而村庄整治是社会主义新农村建设的核心内容之一,是缩小城乡差别、促进农村全面发展的必由之路。村庄整治尚在推进的最初阶段,如何正确理解村庄整治的内涵,确定整治目的、整治原则,并根据不同村庄的特点,采取符合实际、行之有效的整治措施,为村庄整治的顺利进行提供理论与实践的参考成为一项重要工作与研究内容。本文首先以理论研究为主,继而以甘肃省灵台县为例,通过发放调查问卷的实地调研的方法,结合现状和理论研究结果,制定符合实际的灵台县村庄整治措施和实施方案,论文试图通过理论与实践研究相结合的方法,解决村庄整治的一系列基本问题,以期为新农村建设背景下的村庄整治工作起到一定的指导与借鉴作用。论文的主要内容为:1.分析“社会主义新农村建设”这一研究背景,以及村庄整治的内涵与理论基础,并对国内外村庄整治研究与实践进行总结。2.系统的分析了村庄整治的影响因素、整治目标、整治原则、整治规划编制等村庄整治的基本问题,并据此尝试性地提出了村庄整治的四种模式,即村庄合并型、搬迁新建型、内部整治型、文化保护型,并通过典型实例分析加以佐证。3.结合甘肃省灵台县的实际情况和问卷调查结果,将村庄整治的四种模式应用到县域范围内的村庄整治实践中,确定整治重点,制定整治措施。4.根据理论分析与实证研究,从村庄整治规划编制、农村公共物品供给、农村集体经济发展、农村土地政策、村庄整治投资机制、村庄整治的服务与监管等方面,提出保障村庄整治顺利实施的相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 The main contents of the socialistic new countryside construction are "developed production, better-off lives, a clean, civilized environment, and a democratic system of management", which is the great strategic decision for fully resolving the issue concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Simultaneously, village renovation is one of the nuclear contents of building the new construction of the rural areas, it also is the only way for narrowing the urban-rural gap and promoting fully development of rural areas.Village renovation is laying the initial stage, how to understand the connotation of village renovation, ensure the aim and principle of renovation, according to different villages’ characteristic, we take effective meatures. All of these provide the learning of theory and pracice for promoting the village renovation. This article attempts to connect theory with practice, try to resolve a series of basic problems of village renovation, so that providing the effect of lead and learning for village renovation in the course of the socialistic new countryside construction. This article’ main content is as follows:1. Analyzing the socialistic new countryside construction and the theoretical foundation and connotation of village renovation, in the meantime, summorying study and practice of village renovation home and abroad.2. Systemicly analyzing the affecting factors, renovating aim and principle, and renovating plan, etc. trying providing the following four models: village integration, movement and relocation, interal renovation and cultural protection. And some examples are provided to prove them as well.3. Connecting the real situation of Lingtai county of Gansu province, putting these four models into practice of village renovation in Lingtai county, ensuring the important points and meatures of renovation.4. According to theoretical analysis and positive study, putting forword the policies and suggestions of ensuring the smooth implementation of village renovation from the following aspects: the plan of village renovation, the supply of public goods, the collectively economic development of rural areas, the policy of rural land, investing regime of village renovation, service and supervision of village renovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU982.29
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1150