

Shallowlv Discuss the Construction of Encouragement Investigation in China

【作者】 侯秋哲

【导师】 陈航;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 诱惑侦查是世界各国司法实践中普遍认可的一种特殊侦查手段,虽然我国并未真正建立有关诱惑侦查的法律制度,但诱惑侦查在侦查实践中却被广泛运用于侦破传统侦查手段难以侦破的案件,如走私、贩毒、贩卖假币等。一方面因其成功侦破特殊类型的犯罪案件的高效性而得到越来越多的运用,另一方面因其不当运用又往往引发侵犯公民的人格权,危及司法伦理道德等弊端。因此,我国急需建立对诱惑侦查进行规制的法律制度,充分将诱惑侦查这种危险胜较大的特殊侦查行为纳入法治化轨道。本文共分三章来写,大概31000多字。第一章主要介绍诱惑侦查的基本理论研究,首先介绍为诱惑侦查的基本概念和特征;其次,将诱惑侦查与相关侦查手段进行比,着重将诱惑侦查与侦查陷阱、卧底侦查、特情侦查、控制下交付等进行比较分析;再次,根据不同的标准对诱惑侦查进行分类,最后,是对各国诱惑侦查理论与实践的介绍。第二章从法理角度出发对诱惑侦查进行理性分析。首先,分析诱惑侦查的优缺点;其次,通过对诱惑侦查反对意见的批判,提出判断诱惑侦查合法的几个原则。第三章主要讨论如何建构我国诱惑侦查制度。首先,从对诱惑侦查事前的司法控制角度出发,提出要严格限制诱惑侦查实施的主体、适用的范围、适用的对象和行为方式。其次,对诱惑侦查事后的限制,提出判断诱惑侦查是否合法的标准,违法诱惑侦查的法律后果,并完善诱惑侦查相关的配套原则。最后设想如何在侦查毒品案件规制诱惑侦查。

【Abstract】 Encouragement investigation is a special detective measure which is commonly admitted in legislation and judicial practice in World. Although the relative legal system in China is not established yet, inductive investigation is widely used in detecting some special crimes such as contraband and drug trade, which are difficult to be detected if we use traditional detective measures. As a special kind of investigation, on the one hand, inductive investigation is most effective to deal with and prosecute special types of crimes. On the other hand it will cause some disadvantages such as offending civil rights and endangering the construction of judicial ethics if it is used inappropriately. Therefore it is necessary to set up a legal system to control inductive investigation in our country.This paper is composed of three parts, including about 31000 words.The first chapter deals with the basic principles of inductive investigation. Firstly, the author makes clear what inductive investigation is and what its features are. Second, the author classifies inductive investigation on according to different criteria. Third, a comparison is made between inductive investigation and other means of investigation, with a special focus on the analysis of its difference from police entrapment, secretary investigation, informant investigation, and delivery under control. Lastly, make an introduction of the main theories and practices of inductive investigation in the world.Chapter two makes a rational analysis of inductive investigation from the perspective of jurisprudence. First, make an introduction of the advantages and disadvantages of inductive investigation. Then, through the criticizing the opposing opinions put forward some legal principles.Chapter three discusses the institutional establishment of inductive investigation. First, from the perspective of judicial control in advance, the author proposes to strictly restrict the scope and target of its application. In addition, in terms of restriction afterwards, the author puts forward the criterion for the legality of inductive investigation, and points out the consequences of illicitness. Then , the author proposes to establish some concerned regulation to control inductive investigation, and tell how to restrict in detecting drug trade.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】249