

On Legal Regulation of the Mobile Phone Short Message

【作者】 赵玉玉

【导师】 刘光华;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着移动通信技术的飞速发展,通信业务空间的扩展,手机用户的迅猛增加,使得手机成为继网络之后的“第五媒体”。第五媒体的产生是一场新的技术革命,推动着人类社会进入信息和体验经济时代,其作为现代高科技发展的产物,它给我国社会经济、政治、文化发展和人际交往带来了很大的影响。手机短信息作为第五媒体的主要传播方式,在人际传播方面有着其他媒体无法比拟的优势,以其便捷、实惠的特点,更好地满足了人与人之间交流的需求。与此同时,也引发了一系列新的法律问题和社会问题,其中最主要就是垃圾短信。本文从新经济条件下的互联技术的视角出发,在对手机短信息的具体生产环节进行分析的基础上,探讨了对手机短信息法律规制的必要性和可能性,提出了手机短信息规制的具体措施。本文共分为六章,第一章从传统传媒与技术的演进谈起,简述了每一媒体的特征;第二章立足于互联网及其催生的新经济生产、生活方式的特殊性,基于互联技术内在视角,对作为新经济产物——第五媒体及其传播方式手机短信息的具体生产、消费、价值链进行了分析。第三章从技术规则与互联时代法律规则角度,讨论了手机短信息法律规制的现实必要性和技术可能性;第四章揭示了新经济的副产品——手机垃圾短信的来源和成因(从法律和运营商两方面);第五章通过国外手机短信息相关立法的介绍,折射出了我国手机短信息方面立法的缺失,进而提出了通过完善手机短信息、个人信息保护方面的法律,同时通过立法强化相关企业的社会责任、督促其积极采用新技术等措施来防范手机短信息的负面影响。最后,指出法律研究要与时俱进,给予手机短信息正确的定位,不能因为它的负面性而予以否定,关键是要正确引导、规范它的发展,应通过法律和技术手段来抑制其负面影响。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of mobile communications technology, the expansion of communications business and the fast increase in mobile phone users, mobile phone has become "Fifth Media" after network. Fifth media creation is a new technological revolution which promoted the human society entered the era of information and economy. Fifth media is the production of modern high-tech which has made a great impact on our socio-economic, political, cultural development and interpersonal relationships. SMS is a main way of fifth media transmission. Compared with other media, SMS has incomparable advantages. Its convenient and affordable can better meet the needs of peoples’ communication. At the same time, SMS has also led to a series of new legal and social problems, in which most mainly is spam messages. In this paper, under the new economic conditions of the Internet technology perspective, the author analyzed SMS’s production process, discussed the legal necessity and possibility, put forward the specific regulation measures.This paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter I the author has mentioned the traditional media and the evolution of technology, also outlined the characteristics of each media. Chapter II the thesis built on the Internet and the birth of a new economic production and lifestyles and their specificities. Fifth media and its mode of transmission SMS are the products of the new economy. The paper explained specific production, consumption, value chain of SMS which based on the internet technology inherent perspective. Chapter III from the point of technical rules and the Internet rules, and then discussed the reality of necessity and technological possibilities of the SMS legal regulation. Chapter IV revealed a by-product of the new economy- mobile spam messages, meanwhile described its causes and sources (from the law and the operators). Chapter V introduced overseas SMS law which reflected China’ SMS law in shortage. Because of this, we should make the law of our SMS and personal information protection perfect. Simultaneously we should strengthen the company’s social responsibility and adopt new technology to prevent the negative impact. Finally, the writer pointed out that legal research should keep up with the times, give SMS correct position. We could not deny SMS by reason of its bad effect. The key is to guide correctly and standardize its development. We could curb SMS’s negative impact through legislative and technical measures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.16;D922.296
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】388