

Equipment Manufacturing Industry on Across-regional Cooperation Model

【作者】 闫仁轶

【导师】 王学定;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 经济全球化和区域经济一体化是当前世界经济发展的两大趋势,是区域经济合作发展的重要背景。经济全球化要求冲破商品和生产要素流动的地域限制,推进贸易自由化、金融国际化和跨国公司生产、销售全球一体化,这使得世界经济整体性不断增强,区域之间的依存度不断提高。虽然区域经济一体化的出发点是追求区域经济的共同利益,但其归属点也往往强化了区际之间的经济合作。因此,当今世界各地区之间多方位、多层次、多元化的合作日益增多,并且合作的模式也呈现出多样化的特点:如欧盟经济一体化、亚太经济合作、泛珠三角合作等等。虚拟模式虽源于计算机网络应用中,但由于信息技术的发展,其又可以作为一种新型、有效的产业组织形式,它可以最大限度的节省交易费用、提高生产率,帮助国家和企业在日趋激烈的全球市场中获得竞争优势,并形成区域经济的整合优势,产生巨大的“发展红利”。本文将以陇海线宝兰段的装备制造业为例,用因子分析法对宝鸡市、天水市和兰州市的装备制造业进行了实证分析和研究,提出了三个城市虚拟合作模式中的四个平台建设。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization and regional economic integration are two trends in the development of regional economic cooperation. Economic globalization requires breaking the boundaries barriers of goods flowing and production factors, promoting trade liberalization and financial internationalization of the production and marketing of multinational corporations and global integration.While the starting point of regional economic integration is for the pursuit of the common interests of the regional economy, but it often strengthen the economic cooperation between the occasion. Between the various regions of the world multi-directional, multi-level and wide range of cooperation and has emerged in the mode of diversification characteristics now, such as the European Union, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Pan-Pearl River Delta cooperation. Although virtual mode is from the computer network applications, it also as a new and effective forms of industrial cooperation, it can save the transaction costs, improve productivity and help the state or enterprises to gain a competitive advantage and a huge "development dividend." The paper based on the Longhai Line Baolan department of the equipment manufacturing industry as an example, using factor analysis and proposed the the virtual cooperation mode and four platforms.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】F426.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】126