

Design of Fractal Patterns Based on L-System

【作者】 梅海燕

【导师】 和克智;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 食品科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自然景物模拟一直是计算机图形学的研究热点。自然景物包罗万象,自相似性是其相当普遍的特征,而分形几何学正是表现这一特征的重要数学工具,分形法有多种形式,需要根据实际应用合理选择。本文通过对分形理论的研究,将分形理论与包装CAD开发结合起来。通过将分形与计算机图形学结合起来,开发出参数化的包装CAD设计系统,在计算机上模拟生成各种变幻莫测、色彩绚烂而美丽的分形图案,将这些图案用于包装装潢设计,包装防伪以及包装商标设计中既具有很好的装饰效果又具有很好的防伪效果。本文通过对L-系统的深入研究,在L-系统符号解释扩展的基础上,利用L-系统理论,采用标准图形软件接口OpenGL和支持可视化编程的集成开发环境VC++6.0,实现了植物模拟的演示系统。另一方面,运用光照、纹理映射等技术,实现了植物生长过程的计算机模拟,生成的植物具有三维立体效果,形态逼真,符合自然生长规律。论文在结构上首先阐述了L-系统参数化设计这个课题的研究意义,然后简要的说明了当前自然景物模拟的一些研究成果和进展。论文的主体部分对用到的L-系统的理论进行了研究,然后着重对该参数化CAD系统的功能模块进行了设计并着重介绍了三维L-系统的真实感绘制;最后对系统的实现举例。同时,本文的研究有助于揭示自然界的一个道理:看似复杂的自然现象背后其实蕴藏着简单的规律。

【Abstract】 Simulation of natural scene has been a hotspot in the field of computer graphics. With so many scenes included, nature often shows its self-similarity in common. An important mathematical implement, fractal geometry, characterizes this kind of feature perfectly. Fractal method has versatile representations. Choices between these forms should be according as practical need.This paper researched the Fractal theory and suggested to combine it with Package CAD System. Combining Fractal with computer graphics, we could develop Parameterizing CAD design system of packaging. The parameter design of fractal image was realized to scenes and a series of unpredictable amazing fractal patterns. The paper aimed to upholster publicize packing merchandises and to defend fake brands.This paper makes a deep research on L-system and integrates other extension of symbol interpretation. Then it gives a computer program to demonstrate the simulation of plant. The program is developed by VC++6.0, using the stand graphic programming interface OpenGL. On the other hand, the drawing part of the program applies the technology of illumination and texture mapping. The plant, generated by the program, thus is three-dimensional, vivid, and accord with natural law.First the paper introduces the research status of virtual plant growth, and illustrates the significance of the task. Second it studies the theories of L-system. Third it emphasizes on the function modules of this three-dimensional L-system and how to achieve third dimension designs. Last the dissertation gives examples using virtual plant system.At the same time the research of this dissertation helps to discover a natural principle: a seemingly complicated natural phenomenon contains simple rules.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】205