

Study on the Property Management Reform in ChangQing Oil Field

【作者】 刘生龙

【导师】 党兴华;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 物业管理在我国已诞生20多年了,并逐步朝着市场化、集约化、规模化、信息化、智能化、专业化方向发展。而作为具有独立矿区基地的长庆油田来说,油田的物业管理是从依附于企业的后勤生活服务系统转变而来的,由于历史的、行业的种种特殊性,长期处于附属地位,造成物业管理的体制、机制落后,基础管理薄弱,服务质量不高,市场化进程缓慢,滞后于油田企业的生产主营业务发展,影响着企业的整体协调发展。在新的时期,如何积极稳妥地推进油田的后勤物业管理改革、发展,促进物业管理的专业化管理、社会化服务、企业化经营、市场化运作,实现油田后勤物业管理业务与生产主营业务的协调、持续发展,是摆在油田物业管理工作面前的一个新的课题,成为目前迫切需要研究和解决的重要问题。本文主要是针对长庆油田物业管理存在的问题,运用所学工商管理相关理论知识和物业管理相关理论,进行物业管理研究。论文从长庆油田生产主营业务做专做强、后勤物业发展滞后的现实出发,在认真研究长庆油田物业管理现状的基础上,找出制约油田物业管理发展的主要问题,综合分析目前油田物业管理改革的条件和环境状况,根据石油系统后勤物业服务业务改革的有关精神和要求,积极借鉴国内油田行业先进企业物业管理的经验做法,结合长庆油田实际,提出整合重组油田物业,创新物业管理体制,构建矿区共建模式和费用分担机制,改革物业收费管理方式,配套完善物业管理改革的措施,推进油田物业管理的市场化进程,实现油田企业的整体协调发展。本文所指油田物业管理泛指油田的生活后勤服务的各项业务。

【Abstract】 The property management, having existed in china for 20 years, has gradually developed towards marketization, intensification, scalization, informationization, intelligentiztion and specialization. However, as regards the ChangQing Oil Field with independent digging bases, its property management transforms from the logistic living service system affiliated to the enterprise. Owing to various historical and administrative particularities as well as long-time affiliated position, the property management lags behind the development of the main businesses in oil field. These all result in the backward of the system and mechanism of property management, the weakness in basic management, the lowness in service quality and the tardiness in the process of maketization. Therefore, the property management has influenced the overall coordinated development of the enterprise. In the new time, it is a new project of the work of property management in oil field that how to actively put forward the management, reform and development of the logistic property in oil field, and how to promote the specialized management, socialized service, enterprise management and market operation of property management and how to achieve the coordinated and sustainable development. And also, it becomes an important and imperative problem which needs to be studied and solved at present. By using the related theories of business administration and of property management, this thesis aims at solving the problems of property management in ChangQing Oil Field and studies the property management. Based on serious study of actuality of property management in ChangQing Oil Field, starting from the actuality that the ChangQing Oil Field will do more professionally and better in the main producing business and the actuality of the lagged development of logistics, this thesis finds out the main problem that restrict the development of property management in oil field and analyzes synthetically the reforming conditions of property management and the situation of environment. According to the spirit and requirement of the reform for logistics and service of the oil system, and taking using actively the experiences and methods of the advanced enterprises in oil industry at home for reference and combining the actuality of ChangQing Oil Field, this thesis proposes the integration and recombination of property management in oil field, innovates the system of property management, constructs the mutual pattern and expense partaking mechanism in diggings, reforms the manner of charge management of property, improves the measurement of property management reform and promotes the process of marketization of property management in oil field so as to realize the holistic and harmonious development in oil enterprises.The property management in oil field mentioned in this thesis refers to the various businesses of living logistic service in oil field.

  • 【分类号】F293.33
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】263