

Research on Allocation Mode and Application of Initial Rights of Water Diverted from Yellow River in Ningxia Area

【作者】 马苏文

【导师】 李怀恩;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水资源是基础性的自然资源和战略性的经济资源。宁夏回族自治区地处西北干旱地区,降水稀少,当地水资源匮乏,社会经济发展主要依靠过境黄河水量。黄河天然来水量的大小直接关系着宁夏地区的社会稳定和经济的持续发展。随着当地国民经济的持续发展,生活、工业、农业和生态对水资源的需求日益增加,宁夏当地可消耗37亿m~3黄河水量的指标已经越来越不能满足当地的用水需求。目前宁夏地区的水资源供需矛盾日益突出、水质恶化等一系列问题,已经不同程度影响和制约了流域内各个市县经济社会的可持续发展,迫切需要强化水资源权属管理,明晰初始水权。对宁夏引黄水权进行初始分配,使区内水资源达到优化配置,刺激灌区节水,促进节水型社会的建立,是关系到宁夏经济发展、社会进步和民族团结稳定,关系到西部大开发战略实施和宁夏全面小康社会建设的关键性问题。本论文在宁夏引黄灌区实际的基础上,以宁夏引黄灌区为研究对象,主要研究内容及成果如下:1、对宁夏引黄灌区水权初始分配进行了界定,提出了引黄灌区一级~三级水权初始分配层次,对灌区水权初始分配工作的开展提供了借鉴。2、建立“AHP+TOPSIS”(层次分析法与逼近于理想解排序方法相结合)水权初始分配模型,该模型以有效性、公平性和可持续性为准则层,选取若干影响水权初始分配的指标因子构建水权初始分配模型指标体系递阶层次结构,并利用标度转换将1~9标度转换为指数标度,计算出各个指标因子的权重,并对判断矩阵进行一致性检验。3、取现状年为2000~2002年三年平均,将“AHP+TOPSIS”水权初始分配模型分别应用于引黄自流灌区和引黄扬水灌区,计算出灌区各地级市的初始水权量,并将该水权量作为总水权,逐级分配到各个县,并对各个市县的初始水权进行汇总。4、在各个市县初始水权分配结果的基础上,对不同来水频率下引黄灌区各市县的耗水权进行计算。在黄河来水频率为75%的条件下,引黄灌区16个市县的总耗水权为32.6亿m~3;在来水频率为95%时,16个市县总耗水权为24.56亿m~3。5、结合宁夏地区现状初始水权确定方法及水权转换工作的开展,对宁夏地区水权初始分配工作的开展中需要注意的问题及其解决措施进行了阐述。6、对宁夏引黄自流灌区各市县的农业耗水量进行了计算,并对整个灌区开展地表水与地下水联合灌溉的节水效益进行了定量研究。结果表明,采用井渠双灌可有效减少渠首引水量和输水过程的损失水量,具有显著的节水效益。

【Abstract】 Water resources are both basic nature resources and strategically economic resources. Ningxia is a drought district in the northwest of China with rare rainfall. Development of social economy there mainly depends on water supply diverted from Yellow River for lacking of local water resources. The amount of Yellow River natural inflow has directly impacts on the social stability and economic sustainable development of Ningxia. With local economic development, the water demands of daily lives, industries, agricultural irrigation and ecosystems gradually increase, and the ration water supply, i.e. 3.7 billion m~3 per year, from Yellow River to Ningxia already couldn’t meet the local water demands further with an increasing serious trend. Water scarcity in Ningxia has brought a series of problems such as water quality deterioration, and has imposed great impacts and restrictions on sustainable development of economic society of this area. Therefore, it is urgent to strengthen water rights management and to define initial water rights. This study conducts an initial allocation of water rights for Yellow River Irrigation Areas in Ningxia in order to make water resources best allocated, stimulate water-saving in irrigation areas and promote the establishment of water-saving society. It is also beneficial to economic development, social progress, nation stability, proceeding of western development strategy and construction of well-off society in Ningxia.On the basis of actuality of Yellow River Irrigation Areas in Ningxia, main contents and contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:1. Initial water rights allocation is defined to Yellow River Irrigation Areas in Ningxia, and allocation arrangement of water rights from first level to third level is presented, which provides reference for the actual practices of initial water rights allocation in the Yellow River Irrigation Areas of Ningxia. 2. According to the principles of efficiency, equity and sustainability, the model AHP+TOPSIS for initial water rights allocation is established in this paper. Firstly, several indexes influencing initial water rights allocation are screened out and hierarchical structure model is developed. Secondly, scales 1 to 9 are transformed into index scales by using scale transformation. Then weight of each index is calculated respectively. Lastly, consistency check of decision matrix is performed.3. Considering the average of the year 2000 to 2002 as the value of current year, AHP+TOPSIS are applied to both areas irrigating by gravitation and areas irrigating by pumping respectively. Quantity of initial water rights at regional scale is calculated, that is, the result of the former allocation is the total water rights for each region and needs to be further reallocated at county scale. Results of initial water rights of each region and each county are collected in this paper.4. Based on the results of initial water rights allocation both at region scale and at county scale, water consumption rights of each region and each county in Yellow River Irrigation Areas in Ningxia are calculated under various inflow frequency scenarios. In scenario with inflow frequency = 75%, the total water consumption rights in Yellow River Irrigation Areas in Ningxia is 3.26 billion m~3. In scenario with inflow frequency = 95%, corresponding total water consumption rights is 2.456 billion m~3.5. Combined with the current allocation method of initial water rights and actual practices of water rights transformation in Ningxia, the paper discusses the problems and corresponding solvents during the actualization of initial water rights allocation in Ningxia.6. Agricultural water consumption of each region in areas irrigating by gravitation is calculated one by one. The water-saving benefits of mixed use of canal water and groundwater for irrigation in entire Ningxia area are studied quantificationally in this paper. It is showed that the mixed use of canal water and groundwater for irrigation can effectively reduce the water intake from Yellow River as well as the losses in the conveyance system, and has remarkable water-saving benefits.

  • 【分类号】TV213.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】255