

The Study on Design Pattern of Audax

【作者】 李静

【导师】 赵红;

【作者基本信息】 山东轻工业学院 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对我国工业设计行业多处于规模小、配套服务能力差,自主研发能力薄弱,品牌观念不强的现状,采取了对具有成熟形态的设计公司进行研究的形式,分析探讨影响研发体系成功运行的因素,为当前大量新兴的创业公司、行业新手和在校的学生提供借鉴和参考。同时,研究结果将制造业的产业需求更真实的,更全面的展现出来,更清晰的显明设计教育的供给与制造业需求之间的差距。研究立足于作者对奥达克斯公司的全面考查和设计实战,收集了大量第一手的资料,记录产品设计从概念构想到终端产品实现的全过程,并融合多年一线工作的经验与体会,将奥达克斯公司的设计模式上升到系统的理论层面,在一定程度上为设计实践提供较为成熟的标准化作业平台,以达到缩短研发时间,优化终端产品的目标。文中设计模式[1]的概念由美国建筑大师克里斯托夫·亚历山大最早提出,定义为:“每个模式都是一个具有三部分的规则,它表达一种特定的环境,一个重复出现的约束系统和一个解决方案之间的关系。”依据以上三方面,本文将奥达克斯公司的设计模式化分为:环境(外因)、设计流程(主体)和核心要素(内因)三个部分。文中各部分内容被一一论述与分析,同时阐明三者之间的关系——外因影响主体,内因决定主体。也就是说,设计流程是设计模式的基础和主体,但它作为一种存在形式,要受到外部社会、经济、市场、教育供给状况等环境因素的影响,以及内部技术、管理与设计思维等诸因素的制约。外部环境影响设计模式运行品质的优劣,但内部诸因素直接导致设计模式运行结果的成败。设计模式研究从崭新的角度剖析产品设计的全过程,探索提高设计水平,优化终端产品品质的新思路。为工业设计从业者搞清学习目的,明确学习方向提供参考与借鉴,从而把接受型学习变为研究性学习。

【Abstract】 Aiming at the actuality of industrial design that most of the company on the disadvantage of scale,assortative service,independent design and the indifferent concept of brand. This thesis Carries on a study of the design company with mature conformation and analyses and discusses the influence factor of the design system that ever circulates successfully,then the function of reference is provided to a great deal of Start-Up company and the undergraduate. Further more, the result of research displays the industry requirement of the manufacturing more factually and more roundly, and the gap between the supplies of design education and the requirement of the manufacturing.Basing on the all-around examine and practice, the writer collected a great lot first-hand data and information, recorded the process from conception to production, and integrates the experience ever gained from the vocational training. Thus, the design pattern of Audax is upgraded to systemic theory, for shortening design time, optimizing terminal products.The conception of design pattern is defined by American famous architect—Christopher Alexander, means:“Every pattern is a formula with three parts, expresses the relationship among the context, the system of forces and solution.”According to the three aspects above, the design pattern of Audax is divided into: The environment (exterior factors), the design process (main body) and the core factor (interior reason). Each parts of content is discussed and analyzed one by one, at the same time, their relations are illuminated—exterior factors impacts main body, but interior reason decided main body, that is, design process is the main body and foundation of the design pattern, but being only a form that must be impacted by the exterior factors of society, economy, market and the status of education supply etc. At last, it should be restrict by the interior factors of technique, management and the design thought etc. The exterior environment influence the quality of design pattern circulates, but the internal factors cause to the success or failure of the design pattern directly. The study on design pattern takes apart the whole course of products design in fire-new point of view, exploring the fresh idea route about how to enhance the level of design and improve the quality of terminal production. In order to provide the designer how to make clear the aim and definitude the direction of the study, consequently changing the study attitude from passive to active.
