

Displaying and Imputing Characters Matching with GB18030 Character Set in VxWorks

【作者】 宗军

【导师】 符意德; 潘惠彬;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机的发展和应用的普及,实时计算机系统在工业、交通、能源、科学研究和科学试验、国防等各个领域发挥极其重要的作用。VxWorks作为主流的嵌入式操作系统,已经在我国得到越来越广泛的应用,但它并不能处理四字节长度的字符。中国政府于2000年3月17日颁布的GB18030-2000编码标准采用了单字节、二字节和四字节字符混合的方式进行汉字编码,并要求国内所有文字信息处理产品采用该标准。本文在现有VxWorks系统的基础上,采用原有的字符显示原理,构造汉字的数据结构、点阵信息,使得VxWorks能够正确识别和转换GB18030编码标准字符集中的字符,同时在WindML中正确显示GB18030编码标准字符。本文还介绍了汉字输入法的一些基本概念和原理,并以五笔字型输入法为例,详细描述了GB18030编码标准字符在VxWorks中的输入实现。

【Abstract】 Following the popularization of Computer Development and Application, the Real-time computer System becomes more and more important in the areas of Industry, Transportation, Scientific Research, Scientific Examination, and National Defence, etc. As the main Embedded Operation System, VxWorks has been used in comprehensive fields in our country, while it cannot manage characters with the length of four bytes. GB18030-2000 Coding Standard, which was issued by Chinese government on March 17, 2003, adopting a mixed way of single byte, two bytes, and four bytes to coding the Chinese Characters, and requiring that all domestic products of characters information processing must match with this standard.Based on VxWorks and using the intrinsic theory of characters displaying, this article constructs the date structure of Chinese characters and lattice information so that all characters of GB18030 Coding Standard can be identified and exchanged in VxWorks and can be exactly displayed in WindML.This article also introduces some basic concepts and principles of Chinese characters imputing, and particularly describes how to imputing characters matching with GB18030 Coding Standard in VxWorks.

【关键词】 VxWorksGB18030编码四字节字符显示输入
【Key words】 VxWorksGB18030 Standardfour bytes characterdisplayinput
  • 【分类号】TP316.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】132