

【作者】 朱德领

【导师】 方斌;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 航海界基本达成共识,将船舶模拟训练系统按功能分为ABCD四个级别,本论文完整地开发了一套基于个人PC的、功能介于C级和D级之间的船舶模拟训练系统。本训练系统基于VC++/C软件编程,结合了GIS地理信息系统技术、TTS文本语音技术和方向盘控制技术,运用MapX功能组件的二次开发模式,深入研究并实现了地图的控制,开发了以矢量地图为背景、具有真实地理特征的船舶模拟训练系统。为了加强训练效果,借助于语音软件开发包,利用微软公司的TTS语音引擎开发了文本语音功能,用于“朗读”文本字符、语句,如训练者评语和得分;探索了游戏方向盘控制功能实现的方法,成功地把游戏方向盘“移植”到系统中用于控制船舶航行。论文重点研究了技术的融合,实现了自由想定训练环境、大船和巡逻艇的操控以及靠泊考核,并具有训练过程保存和回放等功能。论文从软件开发的角度,以软件模块化的形式对整个系统框架进行了合理划分,并深入探讨了每个模块的具体设计和实现,以及各功能模块之间的逻辑关系,完成了系统开发。

【Abstract】 Maritime sector basically reached a consensus to divide the ship driving training system by function into four grades, A B C and D. This paper developed a simulation training system based on PC, which function is between C and D.This training system is based on VC++/C programming, combined with geographic information system technology, Text-to-Speech technology, and steering wheel control technology. By the study of map control programming, this paper developed a simulation training system with vector map in the background and real geographical features. To increase training effect, with the help of speech SDK this paper explored speech function using TTS engine of Microsoft; made a research on the realization of control function and "transplanted" steering wheel to training system.This paper mainly focused on technology combination and software realization of the training system, like the realization of ship driving function and training process saving function. Paper made a reasonable division for the whole system in the form of module with the perspective of software development, and made a deep discussion on every module’s realization, as well as the logic relations between the modules.

【关键词】 模拟训练MapXTTS方向盘
【Key words】 Simulation trainingMapXTTSSteering wheel
  • 【分类号】U666.158
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】178