

【作者】 蔡建国

【导师】 陈兴淋;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从东风悦达起亚汽车公司业绩效考核的现状分析入手,通过对绩效考评基础理论的研究和探索,设计出了一套适合东风悦达起亚汽车公司实际情况、可操作性强、并对其他企业具有一定指导和借鉴意义的绩效考评体系。在绩效考评体系设计中,本文充分借鉴了目标管理法、KPI指标法、360度考评法等绩效考评的方法,创新性地设计了基于过程控制和结果评估二维一体的团队绩效评估体系。通过构建员工个人绩效与单位团队绩效相关联的绩效评价平台,有效避免了员工绩效与单位团队业绩两张皮的现象,形成了员工个人绩效的提升推动所在单位团队绩效的提升、单位团队绩效的提升必定带动企业整体业绩的提升的绩效生态链。在员工考评方面大胆实践“每个单位主管都是人力资源经理”的思想,将基本员工的考评权全部下放,人力资源部完成从警察到法官的角色转变,重点实施基层单位的绩效辅导和绩效管理流程的监控,建立以绩效为导向的人力资源管理机制,实现考评体系中企业薪酬制度、员工成长制度、用人用工制度和员工培训制度等指标之间的相互关联。

【Abstract】 This thesis starts with the present condition analysis of YD’s performance assessment, and through the research and exploration of basic theories of performance assessment contrives a performance assessment system which is suitable for YD’s culture, has a strong maneuverability and a guiding significance to the practical operation of the common enterprises in our country.In the performance assessment system design, this thesis fully profits from the present theories of goal management method, KPI (Key Performance Indication) method and 360 degrees evaluation method, then creatively sets up a team performance evaluation system based on the process control and the result evaluation as an integral whole. The evaluation platform set up on the mutual connection between employee’s individual performance and unit team performance caneffectively avoid the two skins phenomenon between employee’s performance and unit team achievement. It consequently forms a performance ecosystem chain. That is the promotion of employee’s individual performance causes the promotion of unit team performance, then surely arouses the overall promotion of the enterprise.The thought "each unit supervisor himself is the human resources manager" is boldly put into practice in the employee’s assessment. The human resources department absolutely releases the basic employee’s examination power and completes the role transformation from a police to a judge, and then places its emphasis on performance counseling for the grass-roots units and flow monitoring of the performance managementIn addition, it brings the human resources management mechanism guided by the performance, and puts the enterprise’s salary system, the employee’s growth system, the employee’s choosing system and the employee’s training system into a strong connection with the performance assessment system in the performance assessment system design.

【关键词】 汽车工业人力资源管理绩效考评
【Key words】 Resources manageTradiad industryPerformance
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F426.471
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】283