

【作者】 孟永帅

【导师】 张龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 武器系统与运用工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要运用机械设计理论和知识,为某火箭炮设计升降机构,在火箭炮发射时提升其高度,从而增加火箭炮的打击范围。而后运用多刚体动力学理论和和非线性有限元理论,利用Recurdyn动力学软件和ABAQUS有限元软件对某火箭炮及升降机分别进行了多体动力学和非线性有限元研究,检验升降机构结构设计的正确性。论文主要包括以下几个方面内容:1、根据火箭炮的战术技术要求,确定升降机构设计方案并初步设定各构件几何参数,在Solidworks三维软件中建立升降机构实体模型,为后续仿真研究奠定基础;2、在Recurdyn动力学仿真平台上建立升降机构虚拟样机模型,模拟升降机构工作过程,确定在满足火箭炮战术技术指标时,升降机构各构件的相关运动参数。3、在ABAQUS软件中建立升降机构的非线性有限元模型。采用显式动力学的方法,在0°方向射角,分别在0°高低射角和30°高低射角两种发射工况下,对发射系统及带升降机时的发射系统进行了动态响应分析,校核升降机构的结构是否满足刚度和强度要求。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, an elevator machine is designed in order to increase the attacking area by promoting the rocket launcher during the launching period with the machinery design theory and knowledge, then the dynamic simulation and nonlinear structural dynamics analysis of the elevator machine are studied respectively by use of the Recurdyn dynamics software and the ABAQUS finite element software with the nonlinear finite element theories and multi-rigid-body dynamics theories, in order to check the correctness of the elevator equipment design.The main aspects of this thesis are as follows: First, the elevator machine type is chosen according to the tactics request of rocket launcher, and the structural parameters of the elevator machine are calculated. The three-dimensional entity model of the elevator machine is built applying the three-dimensional software, i.e. Solidworks to make foundation for further investigation. Second, the working process of the elevator machine is simulated by building entity model in Recurdyn dynamics software, making sure some member movement parameters can meet the tactics request of rocket launcher. Third, according to finite element analysis theory, finite element method model of the elevator machine is built in ABAQUS software. Adopting obvious dynamics method, dynamic response analysis of the rocket system with elevator machine and without it are carried out on rocket launcher system during firing under firing conditions of 0 degree of direction, 0 degree of elevating angle and 30 degree of elevating angle. The checkout on the intensity and stiffness of the elevator machine is carried out.

  • 【分类号】TJ393
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】648