

【作者】 姜怡勤

【导师】 严莲荷; 周申范;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究了以固定化白腐真菌技术为主要手段并辅以铁铜微电解预处理和SBR后的粉煤灰吸附使其达标排放的工艺流程。铁铜微电解预处理焦化废水的最佳工艺条件为:当铁铜比为4:1的条件下,水力停留时间HRT=40min,废水的pH值控制在7.0左右,固体投加量为0.8g/L。以所得工艺条件微电解法处理焦化废水,去除率可达28%以上,废水的色度及浊度有了较大的改善。白腐真菌在经过木屑固定化后,对焦化废水有较好的处理效果。固定化白腐真菌处理焦化废水3天COD去除率可达58.46%,酚类的去除率达96.56%。降解焦化废水的适宜pH值为5.5至7.0,最佳pH值为6.0。适宜温度为25℃至35℃,最佳温度为30℃。最佳投菌量为12.0g/L。最佳回流比可采用0.5。在连续处理的工艺流程中,焦化废水经过铁铜微电解预处理,HRT为40min。出水经过沉淀除去Fe2+后进入固定化白腐真菌的反应器,HRT为24h。然后进入SBR对焦化废水进行进一步的生化处理,操作周期为36h,操作程序为瞬时进水—曝气24h—停止曝气,厌氧搅拌7h—短时曝气3min—沉淀,排水—搁置。最终经过粉煤灰吸附,对废水进行深度处理。经过一段时间的连续处理,出水的COD为165mg/L,氨氮为11.68mg/L。COD、氨氮、酚类的去除率分别为95.55%、90.08%、98.32%,且处理效果较稳定。出水达到国家《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中的二级排放标准。

【Abstract】 The immobilization of white rot fungi and other technology are used together to coking wastewater treatment.The optimum conditions for coking wastewater pretreatment are as follows:the ratio of iron-copper was 4:1,HRT=40min,pH=7.0,the solid dosage was 0.8 g / L.The removal of the wastewater is more than 28%.The wastewater color and turbidity have been greatly improved.The immobilization of white rot fungus has a good effect for coking wastewater treatment.For removal of the contamination in coking wastewater by the immobilized white rot fungi,the optimum pH value and temperature were 6.0 and 30℃,the best reflux ratio can use 0.5.While the optimum dosage of immobilized white rots fungi was 12.0g/L, respectively.The removal rate of COD and phenolic compound were 58.46%and 96.76%in 3 days.After coking wastewater pretreatment by iron-copper microelectrolysis,the HRT was 40 min.draining the water to the immobilization of white-rot fungi reactor after removing Fe2+from water.The HRT =24 h.Then drain the wastewater to the SBR for further biochemical treatment,the operation period was 36 h,the operational procedures for instantaneous influxion - aerating for 24 h - stop aeration and anaerobic stirring for 7 h-short-term aerating for 3 min-precipitation,drainage - idle.At last,use fly ash to adsorption the wastewater for advanced treatment.After a period of continuous treatment, the effluent COD was the 165 mg / L,ammonia was 11.68 mg / L,the removal COD ammonia and phenols were 95.55%,90.08%,98.32%,and the processing effect is stably. The water quality achieved the second emission standards of the State "wastewater discharge standards"(GB8978-1996).

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】4
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