

【作者】 张志明

【导师】 王志华;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国电力工业的迅猛发展,电网上非线性负载的日益增多,导致线路电压、电流经常出现非正弦状态,从而造成电网谐波“污染”。电网谐波恶化了电能质量指标,降低了电网的可靠性,增加了电网的损失。所以,电器设备在出厂前需要对其进行检测,看其是否会影响电网的电能质量。那么可靠的电力参数测量设备的研制就变得非常重要。通过充分调研并翻阅大量资料,针对课题要求,提出了以ARM作为处理器,结合外围电路,借由μC/OS-II操作系统对硬件进行控制,来完成电参数采集及其处理的思路。本论文完成了装置的硬件电路设计和软件开发。硬件方面采用Philips公司的LPC2132作为处理器,结合外围电路,建立起基本的采样、通信和人机接口硬件平台。软件方面,首先分析了电参数测量的算法,并进行了必要的仿真。在完成μC/OS-II在LPC2132上移植的基础上,进行多任务设计,完成数据采集、电量参数计算、USB串口通信和人机接口等功能。

【Abstract】 With the development of power electricity industry, the nonlinear loads on the electricity network are getting more and more. This will make the voltage and current under nonsinusoidal conditions which then will cause the pollution of electricity network’s harmonic. The harmonic wave will be harm to power security. When the electric instrument was produced, we should make some measurement to identify whether it will cause the pollution of electricity or not. So it is necessary to find a real-time equipment to measure the harmonic wave. According to the requirement of this thesis, a electricity calculating device is presented. This device use LPC2132 of Philips as the processor and makeμC/OS-II as the embedded operating system.The paper has described the design of hardware and software. With regards to the hardware design, LPC2132 is adopted to the processor, and combined with other circuit, a hardware platform of sampling, communication and human interface has been put forward. With regards to the software, the algorithm of electric parameters has first been analyzed .The transplant ofμC/OS-II has also been finished. Then based onμC/OS-II, each function part of the software system is designed as independent tasks, such as sampling, testing power parameter calculating, communication and human interface.

【关键词】 电参数测量FFT嵌入式系统ARMUSB
【Key words】 electric parameters measurementFFTembedded systemARMUSB
  • 【分类号】TM933
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】262