

【作者】 贺彤韡

【导师】 王晓鸣;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 火炮、自动武器与弹药工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 修正弹药是上世纪80年代提出并迅速发展起来的一种精确打击弹药。相对榴弹、迫弹、火箭弹等传统常规弹药,带有修正能力的新型弹药能大幅提高目标命中率,具有较高的作战消费比,是现代弹药发展的主要方向之一。基于图像识别的弹道修正弹药带有CCD成像装置,能够自动寻找、锁定并攻击目标,具有打了不管的优点。对于炮兵弹药而言,一般其旋转会降低目标在CCD上的成像清晰度,进而影响到导引头对目标的识别精度,因此,需要对弹载CCD进行减旋以减弱弹丸旋转对CCD成像的影响。弹载滚转稳定平台是一组与CCD固联的闭环伺服系统。通过驱动电机,带动CCD以与弹丸相同的转速逆弹丸转动方向旋转,保持弹载CCD与目标相对不旋转或低转速范围内的微旋,达到CCD减旋的目的。若要实现CCD减旋,弹丸的转速即滚转姿态则成为计算滚转稳定平台控制量必不可少的先决条件。本文以某型火箭弹为背景,对弹载滚转稳定平台的主要关键技术进行了研究。利用地磁场探测技术,提出了弹载滚转稳定平台中解算弹丸滚转姿态的算法;对弹丸姿态探测系统进行了硬件设计,并通过样机试验对测量算法进行了验证;在稳定平台的控制系统方面,提出了控制系统的数学模型,确定了控制器的控制方案并进行了计算机仿真。控制器采用单片机作为主控单元,以C语言实现控制器的单片机程序,利用光电码盘测角,实现电机的反馈控制。仿真及试验结果表明,本文所提出的弹载滚转稳定平台可行,为该技术在工程应用上奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Trajectory correction projectile as a kind of precise strike ammunition was put forward and developed rapidly during 1980’s. Compared with shrapnel, mortar projectile, rocket projectile and other conventional ammunition, the new projectile with trajectory correction can shoot straight, and has higher campaign consumption ratio. The trajectory correction projectile is one of the main direction for modern ammunition developing.CCD is a part of the trajectory correction projectile based on image recognition which can seek, lock and attack the target automatically. The CCD image definition would be influenced by projectile rotation, which also can influence the identify precision of the seeker. Thus, decreasing the influence of projectile rotation on CCD image quality is necessary.Projectile-mounted stabilized platform for rotation is a closed loop servo system connected with CCD. Drived by motor, CCD can roll as fast as the projectile in the opposite direction, keep stationary relative to the target, and reach the aim of decreasing eddy. In order to carry out the project above, the roll attitude of the flying body must be calculated first, because the rotation angle is one of the most important parameters to the control system.The research on key techniques of the projectile-mounted rotation stabilized platform in this paper bases on of rocket projectile. A means of roll attitude arithmetic is put forward, using geomagnetism detection. Hardware design for projectile roll attitude detective system has been given. The validity of this prototype was validated by experiment. Mathematical model of stabilized platform system has been described and control system simulation has been done. SCM has been regarded as control center, and the control program is compiled in C language. The feedback control is realized by coder which is used for measuring angle.Feasibility of this stabilized platform system is validated by experiment on prototype, which can be used as a base for engineering application.

  • 【分类号】TJ410
  • 【被引频次】4
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