

【作者】 肖光磊

【导师】 陆建峰;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中医学是中华民族的优秀文化遗产,在当今世界回归大自然的浪潮下,其优势越来越突出,地位也越来越重要。中医学是一门临床经验要求比较高的学科,当代中国名老中医的诊疗经验,是他们在临床实践中与中医学理论结合、突破、创新的结果,包含了中医基础理论的原则和名老中医的独创心得或见解,是发展中医药学的宝贵财富。因此对当代名老中医学术思想临证经验的继承不仅能丰富中医药学的理论体系,还能对整个医学科学的发展产生巨大的推动作用。对名老中医学术思想和临证经验的研究,传统的方法已经越来越显示其不足,应用现代科学技术对这些名老中医的临床诊疗经验进行科学解析显得尤为迫切。数据挖掘是一种有效的信息处理技术,采用数据挖掘技术对名老中医学术思想和临证经验进行研究,可以全面解析其中的规律,分析名老中医个体化诊疗信息特征,提炼出临证经验中蕴藏的新理论、新方法、新知识,实现名医经验的有效总结与传承。本文主要对名老中医经验传承中涉及的相关数据挖掘技术进行了研究,以一位名老中医的慢性胃炎临床诊断医案为原始数据,从不同的角度研究了若干算法在其中的应用。在关联规则挖掘方面,分析了关联规则的经典算法Apriori算法和FP-Orowth算法,并针对基于支持度一置信度的关联规则挖掘算法的不足,研究了一种基于遗传算法的正相关关联规则挖掘算法。最后采用FP-Growth算法和基于遗传算法的正相关关联规则挖掘算法对中医临床数据进行了挖掘,并将两种算法挖掘的结果进行了分析。在决策树分类方面,分析了决策树学习中的两个重要算法ID3算法和C4.5算法,根据C4.5算法具有较高算法精度及较强适应性的特点,将其应用到中医辨证分类中,以慢性胃炎的中医辨证数据为实验数据,建立了关于慢性胃炎的中医辨证分类决策树,并对其进行了分析。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the excellent cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.Today under the waves of returning to the nature, its advantages will be more and more prominent, and its status is also becoming increasingly important.TCM is a subject which requires high clinical experience.The clinical experience of the famous herbalist doctors is a summary of the practice and theory, and also a valuable treasure in development of TCM. It can not only enrich the theoretical system, but also have a tremendous role in promoting the development of TCM,if we research the academic thinking and clinical experience of the famous herbalist doctors.For the researching academic thinking and clinical experience of the famous herbalist doctors, the traditional methods have appeared inefficient, so, it is necessary to adopt modern science and technology to achieve above goal. Data mining is an efficient technology, which can be used for above goal. By data mining, academic thinking and clinical experience can be analyzed, new knowledge such as new theories and new rules can be extracted. Accordingly, clinical experience of the famous herbalist doctors can be inherited effectively.In this thesis, we focus on some mining technologies used for mining of TCM. A famous herbalist doctor’s medical records about chronic gastritis are used as original data, and several applications of different algorithms are researched from different angles. In the part of mining association rules, classical algorithms of association rules such as Apriori algorithm and FP-Growth algorithm are compared, and in view of the limitation of the support-confidence algorithm, a new algorithm for mining positively correlated association rules based on Genetic Algorithms(GAs) is designed. Finally, the new algorithm and FP-Growth algorithm are used to mine association rules from medical records of chronic gastritis, and the results of both algorithms are made comparison. In the part of decision tree, ID3 algorithm and C4.5 algorithm are researched, which are very important in the decision tree. Because C4.5 algorithm has the characteristics of high accuracy and strong adapted ability, it is used in the dialectical classification of TCM. A decision tree about dialectical classification of chronic gastritis is built by using chronic gastritis dialectical data and the result is analyzed.

【关键词】 中医学数据挖掘关联规则决策树
【Key words】 TCMData MiningAssociation RulesDecision Tree
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】865