

【作者】 谢慧敏

【导师】 张功萱; 倪旭澜;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 可扩展标记语言XML(Extensible Markup Language),已经成为互联网上数据发布和数据交换的事实标准,由于其强大的数据表达能力,XML完全可以在互联网和数据库之间扮演更加重要的角色。同时我们也注意到大量的数据存储在传统的数据库中,数据库信息依然是Internet信息的一个主要来源。因此,怎样将数据库中的信息用恰当的、准确的方式转换为XML格式的信息并予以发布,从而允许用户从中提取相应的信息就显得相当的重要。本论文针对这一主题,研究和实现了基于XML的WEB数据库数据发布的一些关键问题及其解决方案。从而使得数据库到XML格式的数据转换、数据发布、信息提取变得方便、高效和规范。论文结合传统数据库和XML各自特点,在数据库到XML的数据转出、XML数据发布、信息提取这三大模块的基础上设计了一个系统原型,并针对目前设计一个基于XML的WEB数据库数据发布及信息提取系统的主要问题进行了探讨,对研究设计过程中提出的关系数据库到XML的数据“整体转出”、XML转出数据的WEB服务端处理等问题和关键解决思路、技术方法作了较为详细的阐述。研究表明,通过XML对数据库信息进行WEB发布并从发布的XML中提取信息在现阶段已经有了一定的应用基础。论文给出了系统实现的技术要点,并通过具体的软件设计和编程,基本形成了一个实用软件的原型。但随着新技术的出现,仍然需要新的思维方法,需要进一步发展、完善。

【Abstract】 XML is fast emerge as the defacto standard for data representation and exchange on the World-Wide-Web.However,XML is much more than the bridge between World-Wide-Web and Database.At the same time,we realize that a large amount of data is still stored in the traditional database;Database data is still the main source of Internet information.Thus,how to transfer the data in the database into XML information correctly and have it published,so as to allow the client to extract the relevant information,is a key issue now.To this purpose,the article discusses a series of key problems and proposes effective solution about the data publishing and information extracting of Web Database based on XML.In this way,the transfer from Database data to XML format becomes convenient,effective and regular.The article discusses the main problems of creating Web Database Data Publishing and Information Extracting System based on XML at present,combing the characteristic of traditional database and XML.And it designs a prototype system on the research of the transition from Database to XML information and their publishing methods.It also gives us a specific explanation of the key problems,such as related transition,processing of XML data on Web server side and extracting information from the XML data.It comes out with the conclusion that Web Database Data Publishing and Information Extracting based on XML has its applied basis.The article gives us the technical key points of how to implement such a system and it also forms a system prototype through software designing and programming.But with the new techniques emerging,it still needs new ways and further development.

  • 【分类号】TP312.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】128