
车辆监控系统中Web GIS服务的设计与实现

【作者】 王运栋

【导师】 朱岩;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为监控系统重要组成部分的车辆监控系统已经得到广泛应用,而其传统的数据表现形式却缺乏直观性和决策可视化。结合了Internet和地理信息系统(GIS)优点的WebGIS能把地理位置和监控系统中的现场状态有机结合起来,使得数据表现直观性强,实现了决策可视化。因此把Web GIS应用于车辆监控系统中是十分必要的。论文首先根据项目对地理信息服务的需求设计了Web GIS的整体框架,将其划分成三层结构:数据管理层、地理信息服务逻辑层和数据表现层,并对每层进行了研究分析;运用专业GIS软件对空间数据实施了裁剪与合并,并设计了XML数据实现了地图图层的分层显示,有效解决了空间数据数量巨大,加载速度慢的问题;引入开源空间数据库来管理空间数据和属性数据,并把空间数据导入到空间数据库中,建立了空间索引,解决了用文件管理空间数据和属性数据无法实现复杂空间查询和空间分析的问题:运用ASENETAjaX技术对开源地图引擎SharpMap进行了重新设计和封装,解决了原开源地图引擎功能有限、封装性差的问题,更改了异步通信方式,提高了系统的实时性。运用Web Service技术、数据库连接技术、面向对象的设计思想,以前面所做的工作为基础设计并实现了地理信息服务,并在车辆监控系统中取得了良好的应用效果。

【Abstract】 As an important component of Moitoring System, Vehicle Monitoring System has been used widely, but its traditional data presentation method is lack of intuitive and decision-making visualization. Inherited the advantages of Internet and Geographic Information System(GIS), Web GIS can combine geographic location with field states in Monitoring System to give a very strong visual impression of the data presentation and realize decision-making visualization. So it is very essential to applicate Web GIS services in Vehicle Monitoring System.First of all, considering the requirements of the geographic information services in this dissertation, the whole architecture of Web GIS is designed as three-layered structure: Data Management Tier, Geographic Information Services Logic Tier and Data Presentation, and then each tier is studied and analyzed respectively; Spatial data is cut and merged with professional GIS software, and XML data is designed to achieve display of map layers, so loading rate problem because of enormous amount of spatial data is resolved effectively; Open-source spatial database is introduced to manage spatial data and attribute data, and then spatial data is imported into spatial database, at the same time, spatial index is established to accelerate the speed of data query, at final, the problem which complex spatial query and spatial analysis can not be achieved by using file to manage spatial data and attribute data is resolved; Open-source map engine SharpMap is re-designed and re-packaged with ASP.NET Ajax technology to resolve problems of limited functions and poor encapsulation of the original map engine, the way of asynchronous communication is changed and the system’s real-time is improved.In the end, geographic information services which are designed and achieved with Web Service technology, database connection technology and object-oriented design ideas according to what you have done above have gained good results in Vehicle Monitoring System.

  • 【分类号】P208;TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
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