

Study on the Optical Flow and Application Research in the Passive Ranging System

【作者】 赵申

【导师】 房红兵;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 光学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的日新月异,测量测控技术不断的引入新的元素。图像处理技术也越来越多地应用到光学测量测距方面,使得光学测量测距技术在众多工程领域有了提高和改善。本文重点研究了光流算法并将其应用到了被动测距中,对被测图像进行了处理,并给出光流计算的结果。首先,本文总结了几种基本被动测距和主动测距的测量方法。并对各个方法的优缺点进行了简单的分析。设计了双目立体测距和三角法动态测速相结合的方法,并运用在本课题中。对于三角法在动态测量中的应用采用了现在比较先进的高精度PSD器件来定位光学投影中心。结合光流和差分—特征点两种方法,推导出光流与实际被测速度之间关系的一般公式。然后,采用基本图像处理方法实现对拍摄的测量图像进行处理。分别采用了不同的阈值、边界检验、特征值提取和差分—特征点的方法实现处理,并对处理结果进行了比较,选用比较合适的算法应用到本课题中,从而得到被测物体的基本运动状态。最后,对光流算子进行了深入研究。将基于Prewiit和Hueckels的算子改进成3D算子,并对这几种算子处理的图像进行了比较,且运用该算子应用于光流计算。

【Abstract】 With improvement of the technology, many new ideas including the image processing technology have been applied in the measurement and testing technology. This makes the optical measurement and testing technology to be improved in the various fields.The optical flow estimation algorithm is studied in this paper and is used to the passive ranging. The result of optical flow is given by the image processing of real target.First, the basic knowledge of passive ranging and active ranging is given and different methods are compared. The binocular passive ranging and Dynamic trigonometry ranging are modified and used in this paper. In the dynamic trigonometry ranging system the high accuracy PSD device is used to calculate the light projecting central point. Combined the results from the methods of optical flow and difference-feature, the expressions between the optical flow and the velocity of measured target is deduced.Hence, the basic image processing method is applied to real experimental result. Comparing the results from the threshold methods, edge detecting algorithm and difference-feature, the algorithm which is suitable to our project is chosen to estimate the motion state of the target. At last, the optical flow computation algorithms are deeply studied. The Prewiit and Hueckels arithmetic operators are modified to the 3D form. Then the 3D-algorithem is applied to compute the optical flow.

  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【被引频次】4
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