

Study of Evaluation of Bid under the Bill of Quantities

【作者】 赵卓

【导师】 李金海;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 建设工程招标投标是国际上通用的一种科学合理的承发包方式,这种方式有效地将竞争机制引入工程建设领域。建筑工程实行招标投标制,在我国已经过二十多年的探索,且已成为建设工程交易的主要方式,但在实际运用中还存在一些问题。国家标准《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》GB50500一2003己于2003年2月17日经建设部第119号公告批准颁布,于2003年7月1日起实施。这标志着我国工程造价管理实现了由传统量价合一模式向量价分离的市场模式的重大转变。本文以对国外工程量清单计价体系的研究为基础,通过分析国外工程量清单体系的组成和特点,与我国清单计价规范的相关内容进行比较,分析我国与国外清单计价体系的异同和差距,对我国清单计价体系的特点进行总结和评价,进而提出对我国清单计价体系进行改进和完善的建议。评标是体现招标投标公平合理最关键的环节,而我国目前还缺乏一套能体现公正、合理、科学先进、操作准确的评标办法。讨论研究我国目前工程量清单计价模式下最低合理投标报价法、综合评分法所存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出相应的应对措施。

【Abstract】 Tender of construction works is a scientific and reasonable way of contraction, which introduced effectively mechanism of competition into the field of engineering construction. It has been more than 20 years since tender was applied in construction works in our country, and had become the main way of transaction in construction works, but there are still many problems in actual application. In 17, Feb, 2003, the national standard Code of Valuation With Bill Quantity of Construction Woks was promulgated in announcement No.119 through Construction Department and has been implemented since 1, July, 2003. It indicates that the great change that the mode which unit quantity and price as one part into the mode in which quantity and price are separate in construction cost management in China.First, the overseas BQ estimate methods have been studied. By analyzing the component and structure of overseas BQ estimate method and comparing it with our estimate code, the difference and gap between them is pointed out. The study on structure and content of our code of BQ estimate method shows the characteristics andproblems of it. Some improvement advice has been given to the Code of BQ EstimateMethod.Evaluation of bid is the most key link that can embody fairness and reasonableness in tender, but our country still lacks a set of fair and reasonable, scientific and advanced, operational and accurate method of evaluation of bid. The author discusses the application of composite scoring method and the lowest price method, this paper analyzed existing problems and put forward measures that should be taken.

【关键词】 工程量清单招标评标
【Key words】 BQTender ofertender evaluation
  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】11
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