

In View of Senior Citizens Electronic Products Usability Research

【作者】 杨亚坤

【导师】 张家祺;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 人类的二十一世纪是科技信息飞速发展的时代,同时,整个世界也逐渐步入老龄化时期。然而我们身边的生活用品大都是针对年轻人设计的,真正适合老年人使用的用品为数很少,尤其是现在的高科技电子产品,更是让老年人望尘莫及。论文首先介绍了社会老龄化的现状与发展趋势,并对老年人的生理﹑心理和需求的特征进行了认知,分析了目前电子产品在老年人生活中的应用及在设计存在的缺陷,并基于老年人心理学﹑人机工程学和产品语义学对老年人的电子产品的易用性进行分析。在详尽地研究了老年人生理﹑心理和需求的特征基础上,提出尺度设计法和设计原则,其中包括用户目标细分,根据目标用户的需求进行功能确定,基本结构及其原理的设计,基本形态设计,尺寸的确定与细节的刻画,色彩方案和整体评估、审查与修正等设计步骤;设计原则主要有五点:以老年人为中心的设计原则,操作任务化繁为简的设计原则,增强反馈性设计原则。最后通过老年人移动电话设计实例验证了尺度设计方法和原则。

【Abstract】 This paper firstly brings out the present situation of the aging of population and its developing tend, analyzes the present existed disadvantages in electrical products for the old and its development prospects, and also analyzes ease of use of electrical products for the old based on psychology of the old, man-machine engineering and products semantics. It then, with a deep study on physiology and psychology and demand of the old, introduces scale design method and principles, including the detailed classification of objective users. The classification is based on the demands of objective users to fix the main functions, basic structure and principle design, basic shape design, size、color and other details design, evaluation、examination and correction program design. Design mainly covers five principles. Such as: focusing on the old, simplifying the practical operation, increasing feedback. Finally, scale design method and principles are tested by the practical example of mobile phone design for the old.

【关键词】 老年人电子产品易用性尺度设计
【Key words】 old peopleelectronic productusabilityscale
  • 【分类号】TB472
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】678