

Design and Realization of Merchandise Inspection & Certification Business Manage System Based on VPN

【作者】 迟俊鸿

【导师】 耿恒山; 时瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 计算机技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,进出口贸易量日益加大,商品验证行业发展迅速,商品验证业务规模逐步扩大,相应的管理工作越来越复杂。建立安全、可靠的商品验证业务管理系统将能够极大地提高工作效率。本系统目标是建成一个完整统一、技术先进、高效快捷、安全可靠的商品验证业务管理系统。在为业务部门提供优质、高效的业务管理和事务处理的同时,采用安全可靠的现代化处理和控制技术,及时、准确、可靠地采集和传输信息,建立完备、可靠的信息处理系统。通过企业内部网为业务人员和公司管理者提供全面及时的信息和数据。本文描述了新系统的设想并进行了可行性分析;对商品验证业务进行了调查和需求分析;详细介绍了系统分析与设计,包括功能设计、系统结构设计、数据库逻辑结构设计、网络设计、安全设计等;介绍了系统的实现过程,包括系统的开发环境选择和功能模块的实现。系统开发过程中关键技术,主要有VPN的实现、图形图像的存取、SQL的优化、RTF编辑器的建立等技术。系统采用C/S体系结构。利用虚拟专用网技术将公司总部局域网和分支机构的局域网连接为一个整体,对业务信息的操作采用C/S结构模式。本软件已经在商品验证业务管理中实际应用,能够很好地解决商品验证业务的管理问题,具有很强的实用性和先进性。

【Abstract】 Along with our country economy of high speed development, import and export quantity day by day enlargement, merchandise inspection &certification profession development quick. The business scale of the merchandise inspection gradually extends and correspond of the management work be more and more complicated. Establishment safety, dependable merchandise inspection &certification business manage system can biggest raise work efficiency.The target of this system is to build up an integrity to unify, technique forerunner, efficiently fast and safe dependable merchandise inspection business management system. The system, providing highly qualified and efficient business management and control for business departments on the one hand, can collect and convey information through secure and reliable processing and control technologies so as to build up a unified and reliable information processing system on the other hand. Timely information and data can be provided for businessmen and administrators through local network.This text described new system to conceive and carried on a viability assessment;Verified business to carry on to investigate to the merchandise and the need is analytical;Introduced system analysis and design in detail, include the design, database logic of the function design, system structure structure a design, network design, safety design etc.;Introduced system to carry out process, include the realization of the choice and function mold piece of the development environment of system.The system develops the key technique in the process, mainly having the access, SQL of VPN realization, sketch picture of excellent turn, the establishment of the RTF editor etc. technique.C/S structure is adopted in the system and operation of business information. Local network of the headquarters of the group and that of branches are united together by virtual private network. The system discussed here has already been applied in practice and proved advanced and capable of solving practical problems.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
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