

【作者】 苏佩尧

【导师】 张义兵;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电脑游戏之于教育的意义探讨的开展和深入,电脑游戏不再为人们“谈虎色变”。这只曾经的“洪水猛兽”,在教育的领域中找到了归属,“教育游戏”的概念逐渐深入人心。德育作为教育的一个重要组成,游戏带来的影响必然不可避免,而正面的、积极的影响正是德育工作者所期待的。因此,本文试图从电脑游戏与德育相结合的角度,提出“E-德育游戏”的概念。市场上涌现出一批优秀的教育游戏软件,涉及多门学科,其中也包括德育。然而这些德育游戏与其他学科游戏相比较,是零星的,不成系统的。其原因有两方面:一方面是对德育与游戏的结合缺乏系统的考虑,缺少理论的指导,没能找到游戏在德育中的切入点;另一方面可以说是由第一方面衍生出来的:德育与游戏没能恰当结合,导致德育游戏的效果降低,致使德育游戏软件的市场低弥,因而游戏开发商不愿意投入。因此,本文试图以品德心理结构作为理论依据,以教学设计为基本结构,从德育实践中剥离出教学设计的原型,在原型基础上对有关游戏最本质最共性的问题进行理性的思考,最终建构起三类E-德育游戏设计一般模型:提高道德认知的德育游戏模型、培养道德情感的德育游戏模型和形成道德行为习惯的德育游戏模型。并且,确立游戏设计的多项准则,以期对游戏的设计开发工作起根本的指导作用。

【Abstract】 With the deep research into the combination of computer games and the education, computer games today are no longer the "threatening tiger" in people’s eyes and the conception of "educational games" has been widely accepted in the society. As an important part of the education, the moral education expects the computer games to exert a positive influence on the society. Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward a notion of "E-moral educational computer games" on the basis of the combination of computer games and the moral education.Although excellent educational software of all subjects have emerged in the market, the moral computer games among these are relatively scattered and unsystematic compared with games of other subjects. There are mainly two reasons for this phenomenon. On one hand, with out a proper inserting point, the combination of the moral education and computer games lacks the systematical consideration as well as the theoretical guidance. On the other hand, the inappropriate combination of moral education and computer games results in the negative effect on the computer games and the low efficiency in the software market. Facing this problem, the producers are no longer willing to invest this industry. Taking moral psychology and instructional design as a theoretical basis, which are separated from the prototype of instructional design in practice of moral teaching, this paper attempts to ultimately construct three game-designed models, including ethical awareness raising model, moral emotions fostering game model and formatting moral behaviors formatting game model.

  • 【分类号】G621
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】254