

【作者】 史科蓉

【导师】 夏锦文;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 程序性辩护是刑事辩护的一种,它是与实体性辩护相对应的概念。程序性辩护有广义与狭义的区分。广义上的程序性辩护是泛指所有以刑事诉讼程序为依据的辩护活动,而本文所研究的狭义上的程序性辩护则是专门针对侦查机关、检察机关、审判机关的程序性违法行为所做的辩护。程序性辩护制度不仅符合程序正义、无罪推定、控辩平衡等基本原则,与实体性辩护相比较,这种具有“攻击性”的辩护方式在司法公正,人权保障、打击公权力机关的程序性违法行为、抑制冤假错案等方面具有无可比拟的优越性,它对于维护被告人、犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益具有重要意义,这就是我们提议设立程序性辩护制度的根源所在。但从我国目前的现状来看,无论是立法还是司法都处于相对落后的局面,由于民众诉讼观念淡薄、控辩失衡、配套制度缺失等诸多原因,导致我国程序性辩护制度的确立面临着重重阻碍。笔者从程序性辩护制度的概念、基本理论、诉讼价值等入手,分析了程序性辩护制度的内容,并对完善程序性辩护制度提出了自己的建议。我国不仅要改革现有的司法体制,还要建立审前和审中的程序性裁判机制,更要加大对程序性违法行为的制裁力度,增加程序性制裁的方式,只有完善了这些配套的法律制度,才能让程序性辩护发挥最好的法律效果。

【Abstract】 Procedure vindication is one form of crime litigation procedure, it is another conception opposite against substantial litigation. Procedure vindication has two distinctions concerning broad sense and narrow sense. The procedure of broad sense vindication refers generally to all crime litigation procedure as the basis of vindicate activity, while the procedure of narrow sense vindication that researched aims exclusively at procedure illegal behavior of spying department, investigation department and adjudgment department. The system of procedure vindication not only accord with the general rule of procedure justice, presumption of innocence, accusing and debating balance, compared with entity vindicattion, procedure vindication with the form of agressive have incomparable superiority at judicatory fair, human rights guarantee, keeping the illegal action concerning government agency within limit, repress the false and wrong case etc, which has the deep meaning for accused person, committed crime suspecttion person of the legal rightses protecttion. This is root what we should suggest to establish the procedure vindication. According to the present situation of our country, it could be found that vindication system to the procedure, regardless of a lawmaking or a judicatory, is regarded fall behind of situation. For the reason of people’s litigation idea being later and controless to arguement, such disequalibrium and kit system imperfection cause our country procedure vindication system really face the heavy bar. The writer commences the vindication system from the procedure of conception, related basic theories and litigation value to analyze the content of procedure vindication, also to present the idea of improvement related to procedure vindication system. Our country should not only to reform the judicial system, but also to establish the measurement of procedure sanctions upon before and after adjudgment, further to strengthen the sanction concerning procedure illegal action, add the mode of procedure sanctions. Only improve the related law system, could bring the procedure justification into best play.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】216