

【作者】 孟祥凤

【导师】 张国平;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 民商法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 董事竞业禁止是董事义务的一项重要内容,在各国公司法、商法以及判例中都对董事的这一义务作出了规定。我国新修订的《公司法》中,虽然借鉴了其他国家先进的立法例,但对董事竞业禁止的规定还是比较笼统和原则性,在实践中也缺乏可操作性。本文试图从董事竞业禁止的定义入手,通过对国外先进立法经验的阐释来揭示国外对这一制度的见解,并加以借鉴,以丰富和完善我国《公司法》及相关法律中相关制度的规定。本文分为三部分:一、董事竞业禁止制度的一般理论,主要阐述董事竞业禁止的概念、产生的理论依据、特点;二、在职董事的竞业禁止义务,阐述在职董事竞业禁止义务的理论依据,对该义务的主体和内容进行分析,完善我国相关立法;三、分析离职董事的竞业禁止义务的理论依据,在对国外相关立法进行借鉴的基础上提出完善我国立法的建议。

【Abstract】 Obligation of Non-Competition of Directors, one of the main duties of directors, is a major issue in the modern corporate governance structure, due to the importance which many countries set detailed stipulations in their laws and statutes. In the new revised Company Law of China, this kind of duty of directors has been mended greatly. But it is still too general of contents, arousing difficulty in practical application. This article, through comprehensive scrutiny on legal principles and systems in the international community, probes both the intrinsic meaning and vital significance of non-competition obligation of directors and try to detect the weakness of the non-competition system in China, hoping to promote the advancement by learning from forerunners abroad. This article is divided into three parts .In Part 1, the author mainly discusses the definition, the academic foundation, and the characteristics of obligation of non-competition of directors. In Part 2, discusses the the academic foundation of noncompete obligations of in-service directors, analyze the the subject and content of noncompete obligations and improve China’s relevant legislation. In Part 3, discusses the academic foundation of noncompete obligations ofout-service directors, and perfect China’s legislative.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】248