

Research on Intelligent Distribution System Based on GIS

【作者】 王平

【导师】 闾国年;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代物流是企业降低生产经营成本,提高产品市场竞争力的重要途径。配送作为物流系统中的关键环节之一.其效率和经营水平在很大程度上决定着整个物流系统的成功与否。然而,现阶段配送过程的决策主要还是依赖于人工模式,这已成为制约配送企业发展的瓶颈。将GIS技术应用于物流配送是现代物流配送发展的必然趋势,配送伴随着空间位置的动态变化,是一种典型的空间现象和过程,无论是在配送业务的操作层面,还是配送过程的管理决策层面,都需要GIS作为其技术支撑。因此。加强配送决策环节的研究以及GIS在其中的应用研究,对物流配送企业实现智能化配送管理、降低配送服务成本、提高配送效率显得至关重要。本文在系统地分析现实物流配送的业务流程和存在问题的基础上,重点剖析配送调度过程.根据配送合理化的判断标准,结合现实需求,对基于GIS的物流配送调度模型及智能配送的相关技术与方法进行了有益的探讨与研究,设计并实现了智能配送的原型系统。本文的主要研究内容及取得的研究成果包括:(1)分析了物流配送以及GIS在物流配送中应用的研究进展和存在的问题,通过对配送业务流程的详细剖析,构筑了智能化配送体系。(2)针对配送的核心问题——配送调度问题进行了重点研究,为满足实际配送中的复杂需求,建立了配送业务的优化调度模型,解决车辆选择、装载货物选择、配送路线规划等问题:针对该类问题的特点,采用遗传算法和模拟退火算法结合的方式对问题进行求解。实验证明,基于优化调度模型的求解是可行和有效的。(3)针对目前GIS软件中网络分析功能不能满足实际配送业务复杂需求的问题,本文基于物流配送信息和地理数据集成,以及GIS操作功能与配送决策分析功能集成.探讨优化调度模型与GIS集成的具体过程,由此形成了直观的配送调度方式,实现了调度决策的可视化并避免了盲目决策。另外,在集成和监控子系统的支持下,详细分析了车辆在途中的调度策略。(4)在上述研究成果的基础上,以南京市某物流企业的实际配送业务、南京市基础地理数据为基础.设计和开发了物流智能配送的原型系统,验证了本研究成果是可行性的。本文的设计思路和研究方法对现代物流配送作业过程的合理实现具有一定的借鉴作用,可以有效地提高客户的服务满意度,降低企业运营成本,符合今后物流配送的发展方向。

【Abstract】 Modem logistics is an important way for enterprises to reduce production costs and increase market competitiveness. The efficiency and operation level of the distribution, which is one of the critical nodes in the logistics system, to a great degree determines the success or failure of the logistics system. However, the decision-making process of current distribution system primarily relies on manual mode, which has become the bottleneck inhibiting the development of enterprises. The application of GIS technology to distribution field is the necessary trend because distribution service accompanying the dynamic change of space location is a typical space event and process. The GIS technological support is essential to realization of the information-based intelligent management of distribution enterprises, whether in the operational level of distribution business, or the management level and decision-making level of distribution. Therefore, strengthening the research on the decision-making process of current distribution and the research on GIS’ application in the distribution service is crucial, it can help the logistics enterprises achieve intelligent distribution management, reduce the distribution service cost and improve distribution efficiency.This paper systematically analyzed the operation flow and existing issues in current logistics distribution. In accordance with the criterion of distribution rationalization and in combination with the practical needs, this paper discussed and researched the related technology and methods about the distribution scheduling model and intelligent distribution system based on GIS. Afterwards, it designed and realized a prototype system of intelligent distribution. The primary research content and the main achievement in this paper included:(1) Analyzed the research progress and existing issues both in logistics distribution and the integration of logistics distribution and GIS, by means of the detailed anatomy of distribution operation, established intelligent distribution system.(2) Primarily performed research on the core issue in distribution, the issue of distribution scheduling. To solve the choices of vehicles, the choices of cargo loading, the route planning of distribution and other issues, established the optimized scheduling model in distribution and also discussed the algorithms used to solve the model. It combined the genetics algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm to solve the issue. It experimentally proved that the solution is feasible and effective.(3) In response to current GIS software’s deficiency in meeting the complex needs of logistics distribution, this paper performed research on the integration between GIS and optimized scheduling model, presented a pragmatic integration scheme, discussed the detailed integration process and provided a new distribution scheduling method. Moreover, supported by this integration and monitoring sub-system, this paper gave a detailed analysis of control process during vehicles’ on-the-way process.(4) After the aforementioned research, on the basis of the actual distribution business of a logistics company in Nanjing and the the basic geographic data of Nanjing, this paper built a prototype system of intelligent distribution and verified the feasibility of this research.The design thinking and research method has its value for the reasonable implementation of the logistics distribution process. It is able to improve the service satisfaction level of customers and reduce the enterprise operational costs. It is consistent with the future developmental trend in logistics distribution service.

  • 【分类号】F252;P208
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】578