

【作者】 朱熙春

【导师】 马良生;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 提高学生批判性思维能力,对促进学生发展具有重要的现实意义。在教育中,批判性思维不是一个新的概念,利用BLOG平台进行教学也已有前车可鉴,但是能够利用BLOG平台的优势,在教学中以提高学生批判性思维能力为目标却是新的。利用BLOG平台优势、特色,把握住通用技术课程的特点,快速、有效地提高学生的批判性思维能力,正是本文所重点研究的问题。本文首先分析了中学生批判性思维的现状及原因;接着论述了批判性思维在教育中的作用和培养的可能途径;然后又分别针对通用技术的课程目标和教学要求、批判性思维培养要求和作用以及BLOG的特点和优势,研究、制定了切实可行的应用策略;最后采用行动研究法进行了实验。并在此基础上总结山了BLOG在培养中学生好奇心和想象力、掌握科学的思维方法等方面的优势,从而提出了利用BLOG促进批判性思维的协作学习环境和以批判性思维为载体培养自律学习者的两大培养策略,以期能对我国基础教育教学中批判性思维能力的培养探索新的途径。本课题将已有的研究成果应用于高中通用技术教学中,取得了较好的效果。下一阶段将继续完善已有的理论和成果,努力探索提高批判性思维的有效方法和优化BLOG教学设计的策略,这是不断研究下去的驱动力。

【Abstract】 Improving the ability of the critical thinking of the students’ in our education is of realistic meaning for the development of the teachers and students. Critical thinking is not a new conception in education, and there is other’ s experience to learn about teaching with BLOG as well. However, it’ s new to make use of the advantages of BLOG to improve the critical thinking of the students’ on purpose. This essay focuses on how to improve the critical thinking of the students’ quickly and effectively by mastering the characteristics of the subject of general technology through making using of BLOG.The essay first analyzes the situation now and the reason for it; then it discusses the effect of critical thinking and the possible ways to develop it in education; thirdly, it studies and provides some available strategies according to the purpose and requirement of the subject, the need and effect of development of critical thinking and the features and advantages of BLOG respectively; finally, it carries out an experiment using action study. On the basis of it, I make an induction of the advantages of BLOG in developing students’ curiosity and imagination as well as in helping them to master scientific thinking mode. I bring up two developing strategies, one is to promote the environment of critical thinking by using BLOG, and the other is to develop self-controlled learners with critical thinking. I wish I could find a new way to develop critical thinking in our elementary education.The result of my research has been applied to high school teaching of general technology and got good effect. I will improve the present theory and result; meanwhile, I’ll try to develop some better ways to improve critical thinking and BLOG design.

  • 【分类号】G632.0;G434
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】343