

【作者】 王未峤

【导师】 程德文;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 适当成年人制度是目前世界上许多国家根据未成年犯罪嫌疑人的心理和生理特点,为未成年犯罪嫌疑人专门设计的一项权利,其内容是要求未成年犯罪嫌疑人在被警察讯问时,必须有一个适当的成年人在讯问现场,以防止受到警察的不正当压迫,从而实现程序公正。适当成年人制度是西方国家较为普遍适用的制度,英国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、奥地利、德国、日本等国家都有关于此项制度的立法。我国也存在类似的做法,但严格意义上的适当成年人制度尚未建立。本文的研究目的在于把该项制度引入我国。通过对国外此项较为成熟的制度研究、对比,取其精华、平衡其利弊,使其能与我国国情融合,能最大化地为诉讼公正、保障诉讼当事人人权的终极目标而服务。本文分为四部分。第一部分主要介绍适当成年人制度的由来,并从诉讼法价值和社会价值两方面对此制度的价值进行分析。由于各个国家诉讼传统、诉讼模式的差异,适当成年人制度的具体规定各有千秋。第二部分主要进行适当成年人制度的比较考察。通过对比得出对我国的启示。第三部分探讨我国构建适当成年人制度的必要性与可行性。第四部分,根据适当成年人制度在国外的建立及应用情况,笔者在此部分从八个方面构建我国的适当成年人制度。

【Abstract】 Appropriate adult system is a right that is designed for the Minor criminal suspects in many countries according to the psychological and physiological characteristics of juveniles. Its content is when policemen question the Minor criminal suspects, there must be an appropriate adult in the interrogation scene, in order to prevent improper oppression by the policemen and achieve procedural fairness eventually. Appropriate Adult system is a more generally applicable system in Western countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Austria, Germany and Japan. We have the similar Practice in China, but the strict sense of the appropriate adult system has not yet been established. This study aims at introduce this system to China. Through researching and Contrasting with the more mature foreign systems, we make it service for the procedural justice and the protection of human rights under the national conditions of China.This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the origin of appropriate adult system, and analysis from the procedural law values and social values of this system. Since the differences of the traditional national litigation and litigation mode, appropriate adult system are not same in countries. The second part is the comparison study of adult appropriate system. By comparing we could find the inspiration for our country. In the third part, we will analysis the necessity and feasibility of the appropriate adult system in China. In accordance with the establishment and application of this system in foreign countries, the author will discuss how establish this system in our country from the eight aspects in Part forth.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【下载频次】76