

Research on the Relationship among Optimism, Coping Style and Health

【作者】 姜婷娜

【导师】 张宁;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 乐观作为一种积极的人格特质,是个体对现实和未来比较积极的和稳定的认知倾向。乐观是积极心理学研究的核心概念之一,有关乐观的研究受到广大心理学家的关注。以往国外的研究都表明,乐观是一个与个体的未来定向密切相关的概念,是影响人的身心健康的重要因素。在此背景下,对我国大学生的乐观状况开展相关研究具有重要意义。本研究在对乐观的内涵、理论结构、测量工具和应用研究进行论述的基础上,对703名大学生进行乐观人格倾向问卷、应付方式问卷、自测健康评定量表、生活满意度量表和Beck抑郁量表的测试。所收集的数据通过spss11.0和Amos4.0统计软件整理分析,以考察大学生乐观水平、应对方式、健康状况、抑郁水平和生活满意度的关系,验证以应对方式为中介的乐观人格和健康状况的结构模型。研究结果显示:1.乐观人格倾向问卷具有较好的信度和效度,因此可以将该问卷的中文版作为本研究的测量工具。2.乐观人格在大学生的性别和专业方面差异不具有显著性;仅在年级变量上差异具有显著性,其中大一学生总体乐观水平显著高于大二和大三学生,大一学生的悲观水平显著低于大二和大三学生。3.乐观者和悲观者在乐观水平、生活满意度、抑郁水平、应对方式和健康状况方面著异都具有显著性。乐观者的乐观水平、生活满意度、成熟的积极的应对方式(解决问题和求助)及健康状况(生理、心理、社会和总体健康)方面显著高于悲观者;悲观者在抑郁水平、不成熟的消极的应对方式(自责、退避和合理化)方面显著高于乐观者。4.乐观人格与生理健康、心理健康、社会健康及总体健康状况呈显著正相关;乐观人格与成熟的积极的应对方式(解决问题和求助)具有较高的正相关,与不成熟的消极的应对方式(自责、幻想、退避和合理化)具有较高的负相关。5.乐观人格对应对方式(解决问题、自责、求助、幻想、退避和合理化)、健康状况(生理、心理和社会健康)都具有直接预测效果;其中求助和退避对健康(生理、心理和社会)具有部分中介效应;合理化对乐观人格和健康(生理、心理和社会)具有完全中介效应;解决问题和自责对心理健康有部分中介效应。

【Abstract】 Optimism, a positive personality character, is a positive and stable cognitive appraisal orientation for individual’s present and future. The optimism is one of the most important central concepts in the positive psychology, and it has been a focus in the psychological study. From the former studies in the West, optimism has a high correlation with individual’s future focus and it is the predictor of people’s physical-mental health. So it makes much sense to study optimism in college students in our country.Based on the review of the concepts, structures, measurements and applied researches of optimism, this research had 703 college students measured on five questionnaires, utilizing spss11.0 and Amos4.0 to analyze the data. The purpose of the research was to explore the relationship among optimism, coping style, health status, depression and satisfaction with life, and to test the mediator effect of coping style between optimism and health status. The results showed that:1. The reliability and validity of LOT-R Chinese Version were psychometrically acceptable, so it could be used to measure individual’s dispositional optimism in this research.2. The differences among college students’ gender and specialty to dispositional optimism were not found. The significant difference among grade to dispositional optimism was found. The freshman had higher level of optimism than the sophomore and junior, and had lower level of pessimism than them.3. The optimist’s level of optimism, satisfaction with life, level of depression, coping style and health status were quite different from the pessimist’s. The optimist’s level of optimism, satisfaction with life, health status and positive coping style, including solving-problem and seeking-help were higher than the pessimist’s. The pessimist’s level of depression and negative coping style, including self-blame, retreat and reasonableness were higher than the optimist’s.4. Dispositional optimism had significantly positive correlation with physical health, mental health, social health and general health status. Dispositional optimism had significantly positive correlation with positive coping style, including solving-problem and seeking-help, and had negative correlation with negative coping style, including self-blame, illusion, retreat and reasonableness.5. Dispositional optimism could predict coping style, physical health, mental health and social health directly. Seeking-help and retreat were partial mediators between optimism and physical health, mental health and social health. Reasonableness was a full mediator between optimism and physical health, mental health and social health. Solving-problem and self-blame were partial mediators between optimism and mental health.

【关键词】 乐观应对方式健康抑郁生活满意度
【Key words】 optimismcoping stylehealthdepressionsatisfaction with life
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1377