

【作者】 袁小静

【导师】 潘百齐;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 职业中专教育教学担负着文化基础和专业技术的双重教学任务,财经类职业中专语文作为学生必修的基础课,不仅具有独特的学科性质,而且蕴涵着深厚的人文精神和文化底蕴。而长期以来的传统教学方式方法忽视了学生的主观能动性,忽视了学生兴趣的培养,教学策略单一,造成教学效率低下,学生厌学,缺乏学习的主动性和积极性,教学质量难以提高。而财经类职业中专语文教学,既具有整个中职教育中的“共性”,又独有财经类职业中专语文教学的“个性”,如相对于其它职业中专,其教学对象语文基础相对较好、受重视程度较高等“个性”。在这种背景下专门探讨财经类职业学校的语文教学策略,有着较为特殊的现实意义,它不仅关系到语文教学质量的提高,而且涉及到专业知识能否更全面的掌握。虽然职业中专语文教师也在进行教学改革,但是没有充分重视教学策略的研究,教学效果还是得不到真正的改善。所以作为财经类职业中专的语文教师,对财经类职业学校语文的教学策略进行探讨、研究是十分必要的。本文通过对财经类职业中专语文特点的分析以及对学生语文学习现状的调查,提出了启发性原则、主体性原则、差异性原则、实践性原则、发展性原则等原则,并根据上述原则提出了如下五个策略:运用情感原理,唤起学生的学习兴趣;丰富教学内容,激发学生的学习潜能;改进教学方法,提高学生的学习效率;加强学法指导,培养学生的自学能力;运用反馈原理,保持学生的学习效果。经课堂教学实践,证明上述原则和策略是行之有效的。希望本课题的研究能为深化财经类职业语文教学改革提供参考。

【Abstract】 The teaching of Vocational Technical Secondary School (VTSS) education assumes the double missions, which are the cultural basis and the professional technology, and Chinese teaching as required course for Vocational Technical Secondary School for Finance and Economics (VTSSFE) , it has not only the special subject character but also humanity and literature character. But the mode and method of traditional teaching ignores the subjectivity and positivity, resulting in the low teaching efficiency, disliking studying of the students, lacking the go-aheadism and positivity of studying, and being difficult for enhancing teaching quality. VTSSFE has not only the same property but the special property, such as which include the better base for teaching object, and being regarded etc.. Base on the above situation, there are special meaning for exploring the strategy of Chinese teaching, since it is not only concerned enhancing Chinese teaching quality but also the professional knowledge whether has been held entirely. Although the teachers of the VTSS are also processing teaching reform, do not thinking much of teaching strategy study, the Chinese teaching effects do not get improvement in depth. As the Chinese teacher VTSSFE, it is necessary to explore and study the teaching strategy for Chinese teaching of VTSS.Through developing the study on Chinese teaching strategy of the VTSSFE, the practice principals and methods have been explored preliminary as followings: Utilizing feeling theory to call out the interest of studying Chinese; Enriching teaching contents to inspire the potentials of studying; Improving the method of teaching to increase the studying efficiency; strengthening instruct of studying method to plant self-study ability; Using the feedback principals to keep the studying effects. At the same time, the class teaching should follow inspiring principle, mainly body principle, otherness principle, practice principle and developing principle, and let the student nurturance the good studying habit, and urge the student to actively study, and increase the Chinese attainments, and finally form the well ability for Chinese, and let the students get the basic quality and ability for meeting the vocational position need, and making the base for the following professional study and the future vocational ability developing. The conclusions and suggestions in the thesis can provide reference for deepening teaching reform of VTSS for finance and economics

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】208