

【作者】 周璇

【导师】 方晓红;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 新世纪以来,我国新闻期刊业发展速度加快。一方面,关注社会就是关注自身,阅读杂志不再仅仅是一种消闲,更是提升自我的一种方式,选择新闻期刊的读者大幅增加;另一方面,快节奏的现代生活也使主流人群更愿意通过选择新闻期刊的方式来梳理一周的国内国外大事,并作深度阅读,加上它的便于携带,更成为出差在外的主流人群的首选读物。而《南方人物周刊》从其诞生之初就选择了市场化生存之路。经过三年多的发展,现在已一跃成为中国新闻期刊市场上的佼佼者,2007年度已基本实现赢利。究竟在内容建构和经营方面它有何独到之处?选其作研究对象,具有很好的样本意义。本文首先对杂志进行了界定和分类,把新闻期刊从杂志中剥离出来,确立了研究范围;然后梳理了我国新闻期刊的发展历史,并对进入21世纪以来市场化新闻期刊的崛起现状作了描述和阐释;在第三章和第四章中,则具体以《南方人物周刊》为例,以其三年多来的内容文本和经营状况为参照,创造性的采用媒介组织新闻生产社会学的研究取向,运用实地观察和深度访谈等人类学研究方法,深入《南方人物周刊》组织内部进行研究,从学理角度对我国市场化新闻期刊的生存与发展问题进行全面探究和关照,以期总结出具有代表意义和典型价值的判断和认识,这两章是本文重点;最后。结合内容特色和经营策略双线建构模式下所暴露出的一些问题,本文作了分析和探讨,意在揭示市场逻辑主导下的传媒产业在内容和经营方面相互博弈的复杂关系与张力,并对今后新闻期刊在内容建构和市场运营方面提供行之有效的启示与建议。本文采取定性和定量相结合、全景描述和案例分析相结合的手法,参考媒介经济学的视角,同时注重对新闻期刊历史发展沿革的研究和中西新闻期刊的比较研究。

【Abstract】 During the new century, Chinese news periodicals industry develop at a faster pace. On the one hand, the community is concerned about their own, reading magazines are no longer just a pastime, but also a way to learn. On the other hand, more and more people are willing to choose news periodicals to know the outside world in the open modern life.From the beginning of the birth, Southern People Weekly chose market-orientation strategy. After more than three years of development, it has now became a leader on the market of Chinese news periodicals and has been basically achieved profitability in 2007. What is the secret of dual linear construction of Southern People Weekly? Apparently, it’s a good sample.At first, this paper defines the magazines and establishes the scope of the study; next, analyzes the causes of booming about the news periodicals; then, this paper focuses on the dual linear construction of Southern People Weekly, which is a Chinese famous news periodical. The methodology of the paper is case study, and content analysis. The creative point is the paper studied the strategies of the periodical through the content production and operating management. The paper selects all magazines of Southern People Weekly since 2004 to 2008. The third part and the fourth part are emphasis.

  • 【分类号】G237.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】287