

Deconstruction of God-centrism

【作者】 安芝丹

【导师】 王晓英;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 艾丽丝·沃克是当代美国最著名的黑人女性作家之一,在她三十多年的写作生涯中,她不断挑战西方文化中的基督教上帝中心主义,她所推崇的泛神论体现在她的很多作品中。本文将以西方文化中的传统基督教为切入点,概述传统基督教的特点,进而提出沃克的泛神论宗教观,并对小说《紫颜色》中的宗教主题进行分析。本文通过分析指出,艾丽丝·沃克由最初的单纯反对基督教发展到以泛神论为出路,最终期望建立和谐共处的大同世界。本文通过对小说《紫颜色》的文本分析指出西丽亚对上帝的认识经历了两次质的飞跃:从最初的盲目追随到极度愤怒,最后在好朋友莎格的帮助与启发下赋予了上帝自然与人性的内涵。同时,论文还对耐蒂及其他美国黑人牧师的非洲之行进行了分析,指出他们带着基督教教义和极大的期望去非洲拯救、开化非洲人,试图扮演救世主的角色,但最后却意识到他们只是帝国主义的帮凶,原先对上帝的无限崇拜被富有人文主义色彩的宗教观所取代。

【Abstract】 Alice Walker is one of the most famous contemporary African American female writers. As a writer for over thirty years, she has been frequently rebelling against Christianity and she conveys pantheism in many of her works.The thesis attempts to study Alice Walker’s masterpiece The Color Purple from the perspective of religion. The thesis focuses on the God-centered religion in Western culture, examines the main Christianity doctrines in Western culture and summarizes some embodiments of Christianity in Western literature. By discussing some activities Alice Walker took part in and the influence of these activities on her pantheist’s faith, the thesis explores religious belief in Alice Walker’s earlier works, and points out that the religious belief of Alice Walker develops from the rebellion against the patriarchal Christianity to the embracement of the pantheistic faith. Furthermore the thesis analyses The Color Purple to make an in-depth exploration of Alice Walker’s pantheistic faith. Importance is attached to Celie’s growth which is from blind devotion to God to extreme anger toward Him. With the enlightening help of Shug, Celie embraces a more pantheistic outlook by the novel’s end. Meanwhile, the thesis analyses the journey African American missionaries Samuel, Corrine, and Nettie take in the novel. They are inspired by Christianity, and travel to the West Africa to convert people to Christianity, hoping to realize the glorious future. However, they finally realize that they are only assistants of imperialism. As a result, their patriarchal Christianity is replaced by the humanist spirituality.

【关键词】 艾丽丝·沃克《紫颜色》宗教泛神论
【Key words】 Alice WalkerThe Color PurpleReligionPantheism
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】418