

The Inquiry of Chinese Research Study of High Schools of Villages and Towns

【作者】 刘淑梅

【导师】 何永康;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 语文教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是一个全方位开放的时代,知识信息、经济信息正走向网络化、全球化。开放的时代必将摒弃传统落伍的封闭式教学,呼唤一个开放的教育以适应其发展,而以“开放性、探究性、实践性”为其特征的研究性学习,正是为适应这一时代要求而实施的教学方式。在中学教学中开展研究性学习,成为课程改革的最重要的内容之一,但如何在语文学科开展研究性学习,尤其是在基础较为薄弱的乡镇高中,是我们面临的一个共同的难题。乡镇高中语文研究性学习就是指乡镇高中的学生在教师的指导下,在语文学科领域和现实生活情境中,关注与乡镇相关的自然、社会和生活中的问题,进行研究性学习的一种学习活动。它主要包括课堂教学中语文研究性学习和课外课题式语文研究性学习。前者研究的内容主要是教材,就是要充分挖掘教材本身的价值,让学生在课堂上学会研究。后者在内容选择上,不仅可以从教材内容进行延伸和拓展,还可以从自然环境、人文环境、社会和生活中选题,研究的范围就更为广阔。根据乡镇高中语文研究性学习独特的背景、特点、目标和内容,只有实施以课堂教学中开展语文研究性学习为主,以课外课题式语文研究性学习为辅的教学,才能切实有效地开展语文研究性学习。这种研究性学习,既显现了语文学科的特质,又体现人文关怀和文化关照,同时又凸现乡镇的地区特质,还可以培养学生的创新意识、合作能力。但研究活动的开展也面临许多问题,这就需要全社会的支持,更需要提高教师整体素质,真正转变教师角色。同时,我们还应该激励学生的研究热情,提高他们的研究兴趣。当然,乡镇高中语文研究性学习虽然拥有其独特的优势,同时,也存在一定的误区,面临诸多的困难。这就需要我们不断地努力,探索出一条适合于地区特点、学生特点、教师特点的教育教学方式。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is an era of all-round opening up, knowledge and information, economic information is moving toward networking, and globalization. Open era will abandon traditional, outdated and closed teaching, calling for an open education to adapt to its development, and the research study whose characteristics are "opening, inquiring and practical" is to adapt to the implementation of the requirements of teaching methods in this times. Launching research study in the teaching of middle school, becomes one of the most important content of curriculum reform. But how to carry out the Chinese research study, especially in the relatively weak basis in high schools of villages and towns, is a common problem we are facing.The Chinese research study in high schools of villages and towns refers to a research study activity. The rural senior middle school students of villages and towns under the guidance of teachers, in the Chinese discipline domain and in the real life situation, they concern the natural, social and life problems in the areas. It mainly includes Chinese research study in classroom instruction and topic type Chinese research study after class. The former is mainly on the content of textbooks, we should fully develop the value of the textbooks itself for students to learn research in the classroom. The latter not only can extend and expand from the content of the textbooks, also can select titles in natural and humane environment as well as, society and life, which scope of the study is to be even broader. According to the unique background, characteristic, goal and content of the Chinese research study in high school of villages and towns, I think the teaching method, which instruct Chinese research study in classroom primarily and topic type Chinese research study after class auxiliary is an effective method to carry out Chinese research study. Such research study way has already manifested the characteristics of Chinese discipline, reflected that the humane care and cultural care, also showed the regional specialties of the villages and towns. Besides, it can also train students’ innovative consciousness and cooperative ability. However, the development of research activities is also facing many problems, which require the support of the whole society, improve the overall quality of teachers, and change teacher’s role really. At the same time, we should encourage the enthusiasm of the students to enhance their interest in the study.Certainly, though the Chinese research study of high schools of villages and towns has theirs unique advantages, meanwhile, there is a certain degree of misunderstanding, facing many difficulties, too. We should make constant efforts to find a characteristic education and teaching method, which is suitable for students, and teachers in the region. .

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】192