

【作者】 钱先军

【导师】 王淳;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 职业道德建设是新时期三大道德建设中的关键一环,而高等学校对于即将走上工作岗位的大学生的职业道德教育,对大学生提高职业道德认知,激发职业道德情感,增强职业道德素质起着非常重要的作用。本文首先探讨了职业道德和职业道德教育的概念,阐述了高校对大学生进行职业道德教育的必要性,认为加强大学生职业道德教育是高等教育和高校自身发展的需要,是现代化建设和转型期社会发展的必然要求,并且加强职业道德教育有利于提升学生的就业力,促使学生顺利就业,成才发展。其次,论文讨论了高校职业道德教育的目标、内容和原则,分析了我国高校大学生职业道德教育的现状及问题。最后,就如何改进高校大学生职业道德教育,笔者认为高校应该更新职业道德教育理念,拓宽职业道德教育内涵,加强课程体系的建设,探索职业道德教育的途径体系,更新教育方法,建立职业道德教育评价机制,加强高校教师师德建设与职业道德教育师资力量建设,理念是前提,课程体系和评价机制是保障,方法是关键,师德师资是基础。

【Abstract】 Occupational Moral Reconstruction is a key link in the course of Moral Reconstruction in the new times. In Occupational Moral Education, Colleges and universities play an important role in affecting students’ later performance on their future work posts, in cultivating students’ occupational morals, and in improving students’ occupational moral quality.Firstly, the concepts of Occupational Morals and Occupational Morals Education have been interpreted, and the necessarily of university Occupational Moral Education has been analyzed. Promoting university Occupational Moral Education is the request in higher education and the request of our social development. Further, it would improve college students’ employability and cultivate the full-scale talented students. Secondly, the objects, the contents and the principles of university Occupational Moral Education are discussed. We emphatically discuss the achievements and the problems in university Occupational Moral Education in our country.Lastly, the author discusses how to construct the university Occupational Moral Education system in our times. According to the discussion, the author has brought out some advice and countermeasures in university Occupational Morals Education. The advice includes that:renovating the conception and confirming the goal in Occupational Moral Education, establishing an integrated curriculum system, establishing the principle in university Occupational Moral Education, creating the environment in which the university Occupational Moral Education can be regarded, improving the mechanism of estimate, training qualified teachers in promoting Occupational Moral Education.

  • 【分类号】G641.710.444
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1336