

【作者】 杨云开

【导师】 眭鸿明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 物业服务合同是物业服务活动的依据,关于物业服务合同,在03年国务院颁布《物业管理条例》以前,直接调整物业服务合同的是众多各行其是的地方性法规、规章,在03年之后这些情况有所改善。但由于物业服务合同作为一种新型的合同种类,并不在《合同法》的15类有名合同之列,有关物业服务合同的认定和纠纷的解决就主要依照合同法总则的相关规定和有关主管部门的行政法规和规章进行。《物权法》中明确规定了建筑物区分所有权,为物业服务奠定了理论基础,2007年《物业管理条例》做出了相应修改,但近年来物业服务合同纠纷的数量逐年增长,引起了社会的广泛关注,成为构建和谐社会的不利因素。针对这一现象,本文旨在分析物业服务合同纠纷的种类、成因、对策。全文共分三部分:第一部分物业服务合同纠纷概述。通过物业服务合同的概念以及物业服务纠纷的概念、特点和分类,引出物业服务合同纠纷的特点和表现形式及其原因。第二部分对我国目前物业服务合同纠纷的现状做出梳理,按照一定标准进行了分类,具体包括:前期物业服务合同纠纷、业主人身财产受损、物业服务费等,并对这些纠纷的成因进行了分析。第三部分针对我国物业立法现状及存在的问题,结合物业服务的实践,在借鉴国外先进经验上,提出了一些关于解决我国物业服务法律问题,完善法律制度的具体构想。

【Abstract】 Property services contract is the basis for the property service. Before the promulgation of Property Management Regulations in 2003, property services contract is adjusted by many local regulations, rules. However, the property services contract as a new type of contract is not in the 15 famous contracts. In practice, property management disputes are based on contract law and other regulations to deal with.Property Law clearly provides for buildings distinction between ownership, and property management laid the theoretical foundation. Property Management Regulations has also made changes to property services in last year, but the number of contract disputes each year growth, caused extensive social concern as to build a harmonious society adverse factors. In response to this phenomenon, the paper aims at analysis and discussion the types, causes and countermeasures of estate service dispute.This article includes three parts.The first part summarized the real estate service contract disputes. From analysis on the concepts of property service, and property service disputes’ concept, peculiarity and classify, then, construct what the contract disputes’ characteristics, reasons and forms are.The second part analysis different kinds of disputes on contract of real estate management, and analyze the origin of these disputes.The last part brings forward the solution and scenario to disputes of the property service contract. By reforming the regulations I can improve law system. And from designing the terms of the estate service contract I can precept the bodies’ rights and obligations.

  • 【分类号】D923;D922.181
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】338