

【作者】 吴雪芹

【导师】 程传银;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 体育新课程改革能否达到预期目标,关键在于体育课程的实施,而体育课程的实施能否取得实效,又关键在于体育教师。体育教师的专业成长离不开体育教师自身不懈的努力,更离不开体育教师专业成长机制的支持。为了促进体育教师的专业成长,建立一个合理的、完善的体育教师专业成长机制是非常重要的。本文采用文献资料法、调查访问法、行动研究法以及与案例等相结合的研究方法,以南京市体育教师为研究对象,通过对南京市体育教师在师德修养监督力度、教学反思机制、在职培训机制、科研机制以及评价机制等方面的调查访问研究,发现目前南京市体育教师专业成长机制还不够完善。主要策略是:南京市体育教师专业成长的机制要从加强监督机构对师德修养的监督力度——保障体育教师专业成长:建立常态教学反思机制——推进体育教师专业成长;建立完善的在职培训机制——加快体育教师专业成长;建立积极的教科研机制——提升体育教师专业成长;建立合理的教师评价机制——激励体育教师专业成长等五个方面建立。

【Abstract】 Whether the reform of new curriculum will achieve the expected goal depends on how it is performed, in which the teachers plays a most important role. The teachers’ becoming more experienced in their profession is closely connected with their own effort as well as the mechanism on which they rely to do that. Consequently, it is necessary and important to build that mechanism in favor of teachers’ improvement.Adapting consulting documents, survey-interview, behave-based research and analyzing cases, we discovered the mechanism for physical education teachers in Nanjing to develop in their profession is not so complete after we together with other teachers criticized our teaching in PE, mechanism in training and promoting the growth of teachers as well as the mechanism on scientific research and evaluation.To conclude, the mechanism of promoting PE teachers in their profession is to be established in 5 aspects as follows: attaching importance to the improvement of the teachers’ culture building to ensure their specialty development, training their ability of thinking back of their teaching to help them develop, accomplishing the training system to expedite their skill forming, advocating scientific research and building up appropriate evaluation system so that the teachers will be encouraged to achieve greater advances in their specialty.

【关键词】 体育教师专业成长机制
【Key words】 PE teacherspromotion of specialtymechanism
  • 【分类号】G633.96;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】266