

【作者】 杨国顺

【导师】 陈莉萍;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高中英语的教学的最终目标是培养学生的交际能力,写作是交际能力的一个重要部分。写作作为一项产出性的活动,是学生英语运用能力的综合体现,但长期以来,高中英语的写作教学一直是重输入,轻输出,从而,高投入、低回报,费时低效,教师和学生双方都很苦恼。这与我国的改革开放和经济发展的过程中要求有大量的外语人才不相一致。基于我国目前高中英语写作教学的现状和新《课标》对高中英语写作的要求,作者在本文中重点讨论用语言输出理论来提高高中英语的写作教学,综合了过程写作法和写长法,对高三英语的写作教学进行了大胆的实践。本文首先阐述了高中英语教学的最终目的和培养学生写作能力的重要性。并根据对高中学生书面表达的考试成绩和相关的调查问卷的结果,分析了高中英语教学的现状,认为目前的写作教学模式有不足之处,需要改善,作者认为应当用语言输出理论来指导高中英语的写作教学。接着,作者对语言输出理论进行了综述,说明了输出的作用,并介绍了在新《课标》里所体现出的输出理念,表明高中英语的写作教学中应当输入与输出并重,并在此理念下教师和学生的角色的转变,以及传统的教学模式的改进。继而,作者阐述了语言输出理论在高中英语写作教学中的运用。提出了在此理论指导下的写作过程法和写长法的综合运用,以及应当遵循的六个原则,作者在这一部分通过实验研究,证明了语言输出理论指导下的写作教学是可行的和有效的。在本文的最后,作者认为语言输出理论是可以指导高中英语写作教学的,并提出写作任务的精心设计是决定写作成败的关键。

【Abstract】 The ultimate aim of English teaching in middle schools is to cultivate the students’ ability of communication, and writing is the main part of it. Writing, considered to be a productive practice, embodies students’ comprehensive ability to use English. English writing in senior high schools, however, has witnessed the fact that input overweighs output. As the result, both teachers and students suffer a great deal from more investment but less reward, and this inefficiency has a great impact on the open policy and economic development of our country, which calls for a large number of intellectuals, majoring in English.Based on the present situation and the request of the new English curriculum standards for English writing in senior high schools, the author of the essay lays stress on the discussion on the improvement of English writing under the guidance of the theory of output hypothesis, and puts into practice in senior three the new teaching method combining process writing with length writing.In the essay, the author, first of all, states the final aim of English teaching and the importance of cultivating students’ ability of writing in senior high schools, and then analyzes the present English teaching according to the investigation and questionnaires of students’ writing and then the author thinks that the present teaching of English writing needs improvement and that the theory of output hypothesis should be taken into consideration in guiding the teaching of English writing in senior high schools.In the next step, the author of the essay summarizes the theory of output hypothesis, and explains the functions of output, along with it the introduction of output embodied in the new curriculum, which makes us have a reflection on the fact that input and output are of the same importance, and therefore, we should form the concept of the change of the roles of teachers and students, and improve the traditional teaching model.Following the above, the author gives the description of the use of the theory of output hypothesis in senior high schools, and under the guidance of the theory, we should integrate process approach with length approach in English writing. And the author also puts forward six principles that should be abided by. In this section, the author proves the feasibility and validity of the new teaching method of English writing by the experimental researches.Towards the end of the essay, the author shows us the idea that the theory of output hypothesis can guide the writing teaching in middle schools and points out that careful design of the task is critical in English writing.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1753