

【作者】 李维丽

【导师】 龚廷泰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革开放进程的加快,我国逐步进入了信息化社会。中国共产党在十七大报告中也把实现“信息化”作为我国全体人民共同奋斗的伟大目标之一。在全面建设小康社会的过程中,人们的权利意识逐渐被唤醒,争取权利、实现权利正在成为建设“法治国家”的一个基本特征。随着改革开放和社会主义市场经济体制进程的逐步加快,利益格局多元化逐渐形成,而权利作为一种被法律认可的正当化、合法化利益要求也随之变得多种多样。人们在追求权利、实现利益的过程中难免会产生权利冲突,可以说,权利冲突是社会主体在争取权利过程中的必然结果。隐私权与知情权作为一对相互对立的权利,二者之间的冲突显而易见,一方面是“不为人知”,一方面是“广为人知”,权利主体不同,要求保护的利益指向也会产生差异。公众人物隐私权与公众知情权之间的冲突在大众传媒日益发达的当今时代演绎得更为激烈,越来越成为被学界广泛关注的话题之一。社会公众通过新闻报刊、网络媒体等获取他们感兴趣的公众人物的有关信息,各种媒体为了在激烈的市场竞争中获胜,他们在高额利润的驱使下,不惜挖空心思地向公众报道公众人物的私人信息,甚至采取极端手段侵犯公众人物的隐私利益以满足社会大众强烈的好奇心,从而获得更高的“收视率”、“发行量”。因此,社会公众、公众人物与媒体三者之间产生了冲突。本文从三方面对公众人物隐私权与公众知情权的有关理论进行系统研究。首先,从分析公众人物隐私权和公众知情权有关概念入手,指出了两者冲突的主场域,以及产生冲突的具体原因包括法律原因和社会原因两方面,并分析了两者冲突的实质;其次,提出了规制和协调二者冲突应遵循的三个原则;最后,在研究前两个问题的基础上,笔者试着从立法途径、司法途径和社会途径三方面提出了能有效化解二者冲突的可行性方案,以此来寻求二者之间的平衡。

【Abstract】 With the development of the open-door policy, we are stepping into the information society.The CCP’s 17th conference reported to the realization of "information" as a common struggle of all our people a great goal. In the process of realizing information, awareness of the rights of people are being gradually awakened, fighting for rights, realization of the rights is becoming one of the basic characteristics in a building "country ruled by law". With the reformation and opening up policy and socialist market economic system to accelerate the process of gradually, gradually formed the pattern of interests diversified, and the legal right to be recognized as a legitimate and legalize interests are becoming diverse. People in the process of achieving interests will inevitably produce conflict right, it can be said that, right conflict is the main social rights in the process of fighting for the inevitable outcome. The right to privacy and the right to know, as the confrontation between the rights of the conflict between the two obvious, for one thing, "to secret", for one thing, "widely known", the right of different, for the protection of the interests of pointing also has differences. Public figures privacy with the public right to know in the conflict between the mass media developed in today’s increasingly more obvious interpretation of the times, have increasingly become a topic of widespread concern academic one.The public access to a public figure they were interested in the relevant information is the primary means of newspapers, online media, and so on, to the major media in the fierce market competition won their driven by profit, to rack their brains to the public at public reports figures private information, and even to take extreme means of violating the privacy interests of public figures to meet the strong curiosity of the public, so as to gain higher "ratings," "circulation." Therefore, the public, public figures and the media have had a conflict between the three.This three-pronged approach to public figures privacy and the public’s right to know the theory of a systematic study. First, from the privacy of public figures and the public’s right to know start with the concept, the area of conflict that the two domain, the legal foundation of conflict and social foundation of the two conflicts and the real substance; Second, the proposed regulation and coordination of the Second those conflicts should follow three principles; Finally, in the previous two studies on the basis of the problem, try from the legislative, judicial and social aspects of the three can effectively resolve the conflict between the feasibility of the program in order to seek the balance among them.

  • 【分类号】D923;D922.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】799