

Research on Clan Flields in South of Jiangsu in the Modern Times

【作者】 张少筠

【导师】 慈鸿飞;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近代是族田发展的重要阶段。了解近代族田的运作及特点,是近代社会经济史的一项重要内容。苏南地区自族田产生以来一直是族田经济发达的地区,研究苏南族田具有典型性。目前对苏南族田的研究,时间范围上多集中在明清时期,空间范围上多局限在苏州一地。本文依靠大量的苏南宗谱、方志和土改资料,详细分析了近代苏南族田的来源、发展态势、经营管理及族田功能等问题,并对族田性质进行了新的探讨。近代苏南族田的来源方式多样;其在整个近代时期整体上处于不断发展的状态;族田田产一般采取出租给外姓中贫农耕种的方式经营,租额相对于私人田租偏低,宗族收租过程中在保证自己利益的同时力求公平对待佃户,族田租息经营一般采取生息和投资工商业两种方式;近代苏南族阳的管理处在一个严密的体系之下,宗族对族田管理者的选择和收支过程都有一系列规定,管理者在严格的管理体制下行使权利,有利于管理者提高办事效率,并且大大降低了腐败产生的可能性;近代苏南族田有多项功能,宗族能够权衡轻重,使各项功能得以充分发挥;对于族阳性质,否认其是地主土地所有制的一种形式,而只能说是宗族集体共有的一种土地。

【Abstract】 The modern time was an important stage of the clan fields’ development. It is an important content of Modern social and economic history to realize the operation and characteristics of the modern clan fields.South of Jiangsu had been the clan fields economy developed area since the clan fields appeared. Therefore, the research on the clan fields in south of Jiangsu is typical of this kind.At present, the focus of the research on the clan fields in south of Jiangsu is in the Ming and Qing Dynasties temporally and in Suzhou spatially.The paper analyzes the source,the state of development, management and operation and the function of clan fields which based on the massive south of Jiangsu clan register, the local chronicle and the land reform material, and then discusses the characteristics of clan fields from new point of view.The origin way of clan fields was diverse in the modern south of Jiangsu. The quantity of clan fields developed continually on the whole during the modern time. The homestead of clan fields usually rent the fields to the poor peasants of other clans to cultivate. The renting rate was lower than that of private fields. The clan guaranteed their benefit and treated the tenant farmer fairly as far as they can in the process of collecting rent. Loaning to others and investing industries and commerce were two main methods of the rent management. There was a strict system to manage the clan fields in south of Jiangsu during the modern time.The clan was endowed with the right to select the governor and to supervise the management of income and expenses of the clan fields. The governor exercised the right under the strict management system, which could increase the working efficiency and greatly reduce the possibility of corruption. The clan fields had many functions in south of Jiangsu during the modern time. The patriarchal clan could count the advantages and disadvantages, thus to bring each function into full play. Regarding the clan fields’ quality, it is very difficult to ascribe that it is the landlord land ownership’s form. It can only say that it is one kind of land which the patriarchal clan collective altogether has.

【关键词】 近代苏南族田
【Key words】 modern timesouth of Jiangsuclan fields
  • 【分类号】F329
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】195