

【作者】 范留平

【导师】 沈书生;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是人类全面进入信息社会的世纪,信息已经渗透到人类活动的各个方面。现在,谁占有信息和充分利用信息资源,谁就能在竞争中占据优势。高中生是我国智力资源的重要的后备力量,开发高中生信息技术能力并加强其建设,是时代的迫切需要,也是教育和智力资源开发的大课题。本论文借助文献研究、比较研究、问卷调查等方法,对高中生信息技术能力构成要素及其他们之间的关系进行了相关的研究。本文首先通过对国内外信息技术能力构成的理论进行研究和比较,并结合对现有高中信息技术教材的分析,通过调查问卷剖析了高中生信息技术能力的核心要素及其建设的特征与内容,并构建了高中生信息技术能力的构成状况。然后基于分析的结果,进一步分析了高中生信息技术能力各构成要素之间的关系。论文共分四章:第一章为绪论。介绍论文研究的背景和意义,展示本文的主要研究内容、研究方法。第二章为相关研究综述。从信息技术能力的概念、信息技术能力的构成等方面,对国内外相关研究进行综述,为下一步的深入研究奠定基础。第三章为新教材与高中生信息技术能力。本章通过对高中新教材中信息技术能力的探索、高中生信息技术能力现状的分析以及对他们之间的比较得出了高中生信息技术能力的各构成要素与目标水平之间存在着明显的差距,各能力要素之间也存在着差距。第四章为高中生信息技术能力各成分间的关系研究。本章主要阐述了高中生信息技术能力各构成要素之间的相互关系,以及他们之间相互提升的依赖性等。

【Abstract】 The human society has entered the information epoch in the 21stcentury with every aspect involved in information.In contemporary society,whoever enjoys enough information and information sources will stand at a higher place,occupying a favorable position in competition.Middle school students are a strong force with intelligence sources in store for our country.It is required by the contemporary society that we should make every effort to develop the middle school students’ ability in IT,and it is also a theme in education and development of intelligence sources.This article focus on the research of the composition of the middle school students’ ability in IT and the related research on the basis of document research and comparison research as well as questionnaire. Firstly,the author makes a careful study and profound comparison about the theories on the composition of the middle school students’ ability in IT,then analyses the core elements of the composition of the middle school students’ ability in IT and its characteristics along with the contents,making the author have an ideal understanding of the composition of the middle school students’ ability in IT.By this research,the author furthers the research the element relationships in the composition of the middle school students’ ability in IT.This article is made up of four chapters as follows:The first chapter,the foreword,makes an introduction of the background and the importance of the research,showing the research method and contents.The second chapter,comprehensive research,concentrates on the conception,the ability of IT and other aspects related to them.This chapter will lay a good foundation for the following part.The third chapter deals with the new IT teaching materials and the middle school students’ ability in IT.The author gain an ideal understanding of the composition of the middle school students’ ability in IT by analyzing the middle school students’ ability in IT mentioned in the teaching materials,the present situation in which how the middle school students’ ability in IT develops and their relationship.The last part does with the research into the relationship of the elements of the middle school students’ ability in IT.It shows the relationship of the elements of the middle school students’ ability in IT and how they depend on each other.

【关键词】 信息信息技术能力信息技术能力
【Key words】 informationITabilityability in IT
  • 【分类号】G633.67
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】278