

On the Non-observance of Cooperative Principle in Advertising Language

【作者】 赵艳春

【导师】 陈莉萍;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 作为一种信息传播形式,广告随人类社会的出现而产生,并随社会生产和社会交换的丰富化而不断发展。在现代社会,广告的发展进入了一个前所未有的繁荣时代,已成为我们日常生活必不可少的一部分。除了视觉及听觉手段,广告的说服力主要体现在广告语言的运用。在西方语言学家中,利奇(Leech)是最早对广告语言文体特征进行系统研究的语言学家。自他以后,许多学者又从社会语言学、跨文化研究、文体学、语用学等方面对广告语言进行了卓有成效的探索。但是,将语用学中合作原则与语言顺应论结合起来对广告语言进行系统性研究的至今为数甚微,在研究深度及研究方法上都有所欠缺。本文借鉴前人对广告语言的研究成果,用合作原则和语言顺应论作为理论基础,采用定性的分析方法,对英文报刊杂志的广告语言进行调查研究。通过对广告语言的语用学特点进行分析,作者发现广告语言常常违反合作原则,而合作原则自身对此现象缺乏解释力。基于此,本文拟从语用学家维索尔伦(Verschueren)提出的语言顺应论入手解释广告语言中“不合作”现象,提出如下假设:广告人在广告中常采用违反合作原则这一语言策略,目的就是为了顺应广告交际的语境,满足消费者的需求,从而顺利实现产品销售。通过对所收集的真实案例的分析,本文探讨了广告人如何将违反合作原则作为一种语言策略来顺应广告交际的语境,达到劝诱消费者的目的。论文最后对语言顺应论的解释力度做进一步的探讨,总结了广告语言的语用特点。通过研究,本文得出结论:在本研究涉及的范围内,论文假设成立。

【Abstract】 As a means of information transmission, advertising in one form or another has been around for thousands of years. Today it is so pervasive and powerful that it has become an integral part of our daily life. The language of advertising, compared with the aids of sounds and pictures, is of decisive importance to the persuasiveness and effectiveness of advertisements. Ever since Geoffrey Leech pioneered the linguistic analysis of advertising language, many scholars have done rewarding research from the perspectives of sociolinguistics, cross-cultural studies, stylistics, pragmatics and so on. However, it is found that few efforts have been made on the systematic analysis of advertising language within the framework of Cooperative Principle and Linguistic Adaptation Theory, which have proved to be of great influence on the development of pragmatics.This thesis takes Cooperative Principle and Linguistic Adaptation Theory as the theoretical foundations, and adopts a qualitative case analysis to investigate and interpret the magazine advertising language. Based on the preliminary investigation on many magazine advertisements, the author finds that Cooperative Principle is frequently violated in advertising, which leads to the hypothesis that the advertiser prefers the communicative strategy, non-observance of Cooperative Principle for the sake of contextual adaptation and sales promotion.By analyzing authentic advertisements from mass circulated English magazines published in recent years, the author probes into the ways of the non-observance of Cooperative Principle as a promoting strategy. Linguistic Adaptation Theory gives detailed explanations for the violation of each maxim of Cooperative Principle. Further discussion is carried out on the explanatory power of Linguistic Adaptation Theory and some pragmatic features of print advertising language are generated. Within the scope of this study, the hypothesis has been proved.

  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1694