

【作者】 苗李华

【导师】 吴小晴;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 人才是立国之本,教育是成就人才之基。1937年7月7日,对日抗战全面爆发,为了抗战救国、抗战建国,国民政府一改之前轻忽高等师范教育的做法,重建高等师范院校,以图解决当时基础教育界十分严重的“师荒”问题。经过政府部门和广大爱国师生的共同努力,到1945年抗战结束,中国的高等师范教育取得突出成就:师院本身获得长足发展,同时推动了中等教育的发展,即使没能从根本上解决基础教育界师资严重缺乏问题,也在一定程度上缓解了师荒的压力;最主要的是设立了师范学院区,形成师范教育网络,使得抗战结束后,大后方的基础教育没有因为一些高校的回迁而波动很大。本文以此角度对抗战时期的高等师范学院进行梳理、剖析,总结当时高师教育的经验教训,以期为当前的高等师范教育的发展提供参考。本文除前言和结语,分为三部分:第一部分讲述了战前我国高等师范院校的发展状况和战时重建高等师范院校的必要性,也就是高师重建的背景。第二部分讲述抗战八年中所建立的各个高等师范院校,同时对这些院校的行政机构、系科与专业设置以及公共课程与专业课程设置等情况分别进行论述。第三部分对抗战期间师范学院制度的得失进行分析,肯定成就,总结经验,吸取教训。

【Abstract】 Talent is the foundation for the country; education is the basis of success talent. On July 7, 1937, the full-blown war of resistance against Japan was broken. In order to save the Anti-Japanese War and lay the founding of the Anti-Japanese War, Kuomintang government changed the overlooked practice of Higher Education Teachers before and reconstructed the higher teacher-training institutions. They try to solve the Shortage of teachers .After the concerted efforts of the teachers and students and the government departments , China’s higher education has made achievements by the end of the war in 1945.The Normal College itself developed rapidly, while promoting the development of the secondary education. Even if not solving the fundamental basis of the serious lack of teachers, to a certain extent, it has eased the pressure of the teachers’ Shortage. The most important thing is the establishment of the Teachers College, a Teacher Education Network. After the war, the rear area of basic education didn’t fluctuate considerably because of the relocation of universities. In this paper, the author wants to straighten out the Anti-Japanese War of Higher Teachers College, analyze it and sum up the experience and lessons.This paper includes three parts except preface and conclusion:Part one is about the pre-war development of China’s higher Teachers College and the need of higher teacher education’s reconstruction during the war, the background of higher teacher education redevelopment.Part Two is about the establishment of the various Higher Teachers College during the war. At the same time it discussed the administration of the institutions, branches of the public and professional settings and the courses settings.Part three is about the gains and losses of the Anti-Japanese War College analysis and admits to the success, sums up the experience and the lesson.

  • 【分类号】K265;G659.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161